Guia docente 2020_21
Centro Universitario da Defensa na Escola Naval Militar de Marín (Pontevedra)
Grao en Enxeñaría Mecánica
  Electronic technology
   Contingency plan
In view of the possible appearance of extraordinary situations involving the suspension of face-to-face teaching activity and the change to a non-presential/online scenario, the following changes will be made:


Theoretical credits
The teaching of the theoretical contents of the subject should not be affected by the transfer to non-presential/online mode. If the number of hours to be taught is considerably reduced, the contents of each of the subjects will be adapted in such a way as to guarantee the acquisition of the learning results and skills of the subject.

Practical credits
In view of the impossibility of working with the instrumentation equipment present in the laboratories, the corresponding practices will be replaced by equivalents that can be transferred to a virtual scenario. Specifically, the practices will be carried out as follow:

Practice 1: Introduction to electronic circuit simulation
The aim of this practice is to familiarize the student with the PSIM electronic circuit simulation software, as well as with the digital system simulator to carry out assemblies with analog devices and combinational systems respectively.

Practice 2: Applications with digital electronic devices
The aim of this practice is that the student is able to design, assemble and test a basic digital electronic circuit, based on combinational systems, from an engineering problem. In this practice, a digital circuit simulator will be used to assemble the circuit.

Practice 3: Design with operational amplifiers
This practice aims to further familiarize the student with the PSIM simulation software. In this practice it will be used to introduce the operational amplifiers and to let the student observe the usefulness of these devices to solve engineering problems. For this purpose, different assemblies will be made with these operational amplifiers where the student can check the operation of the operational amplifiers under different conditions. These assemblies will also serve the student to reason how different assemblies should be joined together to obtain a given transfer function, which can be applied in many areas of engineering.

Practice 4: Assembly and measurement of basic electronic circuits with diodes
This practice aims at using the PSIM simulation software to mount and measure basic circuits with diodes, such as rectifier circuits (half-wave and full wave), as well as different configurations of signal trimming circuits.

Practice 5: Assembly and measurement of basic electronic circuits with transistors
The fundamental objective of this practice is that the student understands the concepts of the working point of a transistor, and in this way check the zones of operation it works (active, cut-off and saturation). For this purpose, different simple circuits in direct current with bipolar transistors will be carried out in PSIM.

Practice 6: Simulation of electronic circuits with diodes and transistors
The aim of this practice is to familiarize the student with the PSIM electronic circuit simulation software, for the realization of non-linear circuits with diodes and analysis of the working point of bipolar junction and field effect transistors. The small signal amplifiers will also be introduced in the simulator, so that the student understands how they work.

Practice 7: Design of complex analogue systems with amplifiers
The aim of this practice is that the student is able to design, assemble and test a multi-stage amplification circuit, in PSIM, combining different types of amplifiers (small signal and operational), observing the differences between them. For this purpose, the amplifier will be designed and the assembly will be done in an incremental way, incorporating progressively the elements (preampliication, amplification, impedance matching, etc.). In the same way, the student understands the usefulness of this type of amplifier assembly and its interconnection with other engineering concepts such as, for example, signal treatment of different devices and the adapting of the voltage or current levels to operate with them efficiently.


A new teaching methodology would be added:

Synchronous online meeting (theory or practical session):
These sessions will be given through a web videoconferencing platform within a virtual classroom. Each virtual classroom will contain various display panels and components, whose design can be customized by the teacher to suit the needs of the class. In the virtual classroom, teachers (and authorized participants) will be able to share their computer screen or files, use a whiteboard, chat, broadcast audio and video, or participate in interactive online activities (surveys, questions, etc.).


In a non-presential/online scenario, the evaluation of learning in the online modality will take place combining the FAITIC-Moodle platform with the Campus Remoto tool of the University of Vigo (and/or similar platforms). Below, we show the modifications in the weighting of the tests motivated by the change to the online teaching modality. These changes only affect the continuous assessment of the ordinary call.

Ordinary call

Continuous evaluation

The assessment of theoretical learning will remain unchanged from what was described earlier in this teaching guide in terms of content, weightings, minimum requirements and number of exams.

The assessment of practical learning will be modified by replacing the test that can be assessed in person with a paper. Therefore, the practical part will be evaluated by means of two works whose content and weighting is detailed in the following section.

Practical knowledge:

The laboratory practice part is evaluated by carrying out two group works, as follows:

Group work 1 (L1):
- Design and simulation of a digital circuit that solves a real problem that the students propose according to their particular needs.
- The work proposal will be approved by the teachers to check that it meets the minimum milestones of the task.
- In the event that the students do not propose a work within the deadline set by the teachers at the beginning of the course, a generic work will be assigned to them with the necessary requirements.
- The work will be done in groups of maximum 2 students.
- Weight: 15% of the continuous assessment score (NEC).
- It is qualified with 10 points.
- A minimum score of 4.0 points is required.

Group work 2 (L2):
- Design and simulation of an analogical electronic system for the solution of an engineering problem.
- The work proposal will be approved by the teachers to check that it meets the minimum milestones of the task.
- In the event that students do not propose a work within the deadline set by the teachers at the beginning of the course, a generic work will be assigned to them with the necessary requirements.
- Weight: 15% of the continuous assessment score (NEC).
- It is qualified with 10 points.
- A minimum score of 4.0 points is required.

Final mark and minimum requirements to pass the course through continuous assessment:
To ensure that the student has acquired the minimum skills in each of the aspects of the subject, students will be required to achieve a minimum score of 4.0 out of 10 in the final exam of theory (EF), and a minimum score of 4.0 out of 10 in the practical part (L1 and L2).

In this way, the final mark in continuous assessment (NEC) is calculated using the following formulas, a minimum mark of 5.0 in the NEC being necessary to pass the course:

NEC = 0.15*P1 + 0.15*P2 + 0.4*EF + 0.15*L1 + 0.15*L2

In the event that the minimum mark required in any of the parts is not reached, the final mark for continuous assessment will be calculated as:

NEC = min(4.0, NEC)
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000