Guia docente 2020_21
Centro Universitario da Defensa na Escola Naval Militar de Marín (Pontevedra)
Grao en Enxeñaría Mecánica
  Graphic expression: Graphic expression
Topic Sub-topic
Informative note: Due to the circumstances occurred in the 2020-2021 academic year (delay in the incorporation date of new students and the need to dedicate three weeks to a zero level course in mathematical-physical knowledge, which will allow to begin the course with guarantees), a 85% of the 225 hours (corresponding to a subject of 9 ECTS) will be planned: 192 hours.
Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 1. Introduction to the representation systems.
1.1. Projective geometry. projective invariants.
1.2. Orthogonal projection system.
1.3. Dihedral system.
1.4. Axonometric system.
1.5. Conic system.

Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 2. Dihedral system.
2.1. Representation of point, line, plane and volume.
2.2. Parallelism. Perpendicularity and distances.
2.3. Auxiliary views and changes of plane.
2.4. Intersections.
Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 3. Orthogonal projection system.
3.1. Point, straight line and plane. Line of maximum slope on a plane.
3.2. Intersections. Application to covers and roofs.
3.3. Straight lines, surfaces and lands. Generalities and applications.
Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 4. Curves of Engineering.
4.1. Involute and evolute.
4.2. Cycloid curve.
Section II. Standardized representation.
Unit 1. Introduction - Technical drawing and standardisation.
1.1. Regulation, specification and standards.
1.2. Types of standardization.
1.3. Standardization entities.
1.4. The standardization in the technical drawing.
1.5. Basic standards of technical drawing.
Section II. Standardized representation.
Unit 2. Fundamentals of technical drawing
2.1. Visualization and representation of corporeal forms.
2.2. Methods of the first and third dihedral.
2.3. Types of views.
2.4. Sectional drawings.
2.5. Other conventions: intersections, symmetrical parts, interrupted views, repetitive elements, details, etc.
Section II. Standardized representation.
Unit 3. Components and methods of dimensioning
3.1. General principles.
3.2. Types of dimensions and methods.
3.3. Dimensioning components.
3.4. Symbols.
3.5. Placing of dimensions.
3.6. Special indications (radius, equidistant elements, etc.)
3.7. Other indications (lost dimensions, particular specifications, etc.).
3.8. Keyways and slots.
3.9. Conicity and tilting.
3.10. Profiles.
Section II. Standardized representation.
Unit 4. Representation of standardized elements and assembly drawings.
4.1. Definition of a threaded joint.
4.2. Thread types.
4.3. Conventional representation of threads.
4.4. Representation of assembly drawings.
4.5. Dimensioning of threaded elements.
4.6. Specifications of the most common threads.
4.7. Representation of industrial mechanisms.
4.8. Standards for the elaboration of assembly drawings.
4.9. Identification of different parts.
4.10. Parts list.
4.11. Standard designation of materials.
4.12. Partial drawings (with dimensioning).
4.13. Numbering of plans.
4.14. Representation of standardized mechanical elements.
4.15. Screws, nuts and washers.
4.16. Springs and spring clips.
4.17. Fixed joints.
4.18. Axles and shafts.
4.19. Splines and grooves.
4.20. Bearings.
4.21. Gears, chains and pulleys.
Section II. Standardized representation.
Unit 5. Geometric dimensioning and Tolerancing.
5.1. Fundamentals and needs of tolerancing.
5.2. Dimensional tolerances and fits, and representation.
5.3. Geometric tolerances and representation.
5.4. Surface treatments and qualities, and representation.
Section II. Standardized representation.
Unit 6. Symbology and schematic representations.
6.1. Introduction and standards.
6.2. Symbology characteristics.
6.3. Types of symbols and codes.
6.4. Standardized symbols.
6.5. Graphic symbols for schemes.
6.6. Typology of schemes according to their nature and application.
6.7. Practical applications of the schematic representations in Engineering.
Practical Activity 1 (CAD 2D) File formats and management. Setting. Drawing and modification tools (I). Line drawing by coordinates.
Practical Activity 2 (CAD 2D) Drawing and modification tools (II). Object snap and trace.
Practical Activity 3 (CAD 2D) Drawing and modification tools (III). Point and line formats.
Practical Activity 4 (CAD 2D) Layer editing. Text and dimension formats. Scaling.
Practical Activity 5 (CAD 2D) Presentation and drawing of plans. 2D sketching.
Practical Activity 6 (CAD 2D) Blocks, attributes and external references.
Practical Activity 7 (CAD 3D) Basic design procedure: from sketch to solid.
Practical Activity 8 (CAD 3D) Sketching and modeling tools (I).
Practical Activity 9 (CAD 3D) Sketching and modeling tools (II).
Practical Activity 10 (CAD 3D) Assembly drawings
Practical Activity 11 (CAD 3D) Generation of views and plans.
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