Guia docente 2020_21
Centro Universitario da Defensa na Escola Naval Militar de Marín (Pontevedra)
Grao en Enxeñaría Mecánica
  Graphic expression: Graphic expression
   Learning outcomes
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
To know, understand and apply the basic principles and standardization of industrial engineering drawing, while training the development of spatial vision and comprehension. B3
Development of the capacity to contrast appearances *lexicos *fraseologicos and grammatical of the second foreign language with the own
Development of the capacity to contrast appearances *lexicos *fraseologicos and grammatical of the second foreign language with the own
Development of the capacity to contrast appearances *lexicos *fraseologicos and grammatical of the second foreign language with the own
To acquire the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the establishment of efficient strategies and procedures for the resolution of graphic problems within the context of engineering projects. B3
Use of a graphic communication between technicians, by means of the realization and interpretation of plans according to the Technical Drawing Standards, involving the use of new technologies B6
To assume a favorable attitude for a permanent learning in the profession, being proactive and with a collaborative and committed spirit. B4
Work as a team, developing knowledge based on a critical and responsible technical-cultural exchange. B4
ENAEE learning outcome: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: LO1.1.- knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes [level of achievement (basic (1), intermediate (2) and advanced (3)) for this learning outcome: Intermediate (2)]. B3
ENAEE learning outcome: ENGINEERING ANALYSIS: LO2.2.- ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in their field of study; to select and apply relevant methods from established analytical, computational and experimental methods; to recognise the importance of non-technical societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial constraints [Intermediate (2)]. B4
ENAEE learning outcome: INVESTIGATION AND INNOVATIONS: LO4.1.- ability to conduct searches of literature, to consult and to critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to carry out simulation and analysis in order to pursue detailed investigations and research of technical issues in their field of study [Basic (1)]. B6
ENAEE learning outcome: INVESTIGATION AND INNOVATIONS: LO4.2.- ability to consult and apply codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study [Intermediate (2)]. B6
ENAEE learning outcome: ENGINEERING PRACTICE: LO5.3.- understanding of applicable materials, equipment and tools, engineering technologies and processes, and of their limitations in their field of study [Basic (1)]. D6
ENAEE learning outcome: ENGINEERING PRACTICE: LO5.4.- ability to apply norms of engineering practice in their field of study [Intermediate (2)]. B6
ENAEE learning outcome: COMMUNICATION AND TEAM-WORKING: LO7.1.- ability to communicate effectively information, ideas, problems and solutions with engineering community and society at large [Intermediate (2)]. B4
ENAEE learning outcome: COMMUNICATION AND TEAM-WORKING: LO7.2.- ability to function effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as a member of a team and to cooperate effectively with engineers and non-engineers [Intermediate (2)]. D17
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000