Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Law: Administrative Law I
Topic Sub-topic

1. Orixe e fundamentación da contratación pública.
a) Fundamentos de Dereito comunitario.
b) Dereito español.
2. Marco constitucional.
3. Alcance da competencia estatal en materia de contratación pública. Incidencia con outros títulos competenciais.
4. Unidade de mercado.
5. Aplicación do TRLCSP y de sus normas de desenvolvemento a las EELL.
1. Ámbito de aplicación subxectiva.
2. Contratos excluidos.
3. Liberdade de pactos.
4. Tipos de contratos públicos e régimen xurídico.
5. In house providing
Tema 3. ÓRGANOS CONSULTIVOS E DE CONTROL EN MATERIA DE CONTRATACIÓN PÚBLICA. 1. Consello de Estado, Consellos Consultivos das Comunidades Autónomas
2. Xuntas Consultivas de Contratación Administrativa.
3. Control xurisdiccional.
4 Comisión Europea.
5. Tribunal de Xusticia da Unión Europea.
(*)Subject 4: COMMON DISPOSALS STOP The PUBLIC AGREEMENTS. (*)1. Requirements.2. Organs of *contratación.3. Object of the agreements.4 Price. 5.Wools *exorbitancias concerning @el *Derecho civil: *planteamiento *general.6.Wools prerogatives of wool Administration: it) *Privilegio of wool unilateral decision *y *ejecutoria *b) *Potestas *variandi *c) Powers of direction, inspection *y control. 7. Technicians of guarantee of @el balance *económico-financiero: it) *Compensación by him *ejercicio of wool *potestas *variandi.*b) Review of *precios *c) *Fuerza *mayor. *d) *Doctrina Of @el *riesgo unpredictable and) *Compensación by *factum *principis
(*)Subject 5: REQUIREMENTS to HIRE COA ADMINISTRATION (*)1. Capacity and *solvencia of the contractors. 2. Classification and register of companies.3 Guarantees to hire with the Administration:it) provisional Guarantee.*b) Definitive guarantee.*c) Global guarantee.
(*)SUBJECT 6. RELATIVE PERFORMANCES To The *CONTRATACIÓN PUBLIC. (*)1. Folds of administrative and technical clauses. 2. Preparatory performances of the agreements.Files of *contratación. 3. Tables of *contratación. 4. Perfection and *formalización of the agreements
(*)SUBJECT 7. PROCEDURES And WAS ME THEM DE ADJUDICATION. (*)1. Procedure *abierto. 2. Procedure restricted. 3. Procedure negotiated. 4. Competitive dialogue. 5. Contest *y ‘auction’. 6. Electronic auction.7. Technical rationalization of the *contratación:it) Agreements frame.*b) Dynamic systems of *contratación.*c) *Centrales Of *contratación.
(*)Subject 9. EXECUTION And MODIFICATION (*)1. Common characters to the execution of the public agreements.2. Modification of the public agreements.It) Supposed.*b) Due modifications in the documentation that *rexe the bidding.*c) Modifications no foreseen in the documentation that *rexe the bidding.*d) Formal requirements and procedure.
(*)Subject 10. *INVALIDEZ DOS AGREEMENTS. (*)1. Causes of *invalidez of administrative Law. 2. Causes of *invalidez of civil Law. 3. Special suppositions of nullity.
(*)Subject 11. CLAIMS, RESOURCES And REVIEW DE @OFICIO. (*)1, common Resources. 2. Special resource in subject of *contratación public. It) competent Organs. *b) *Lexitimación. *c) Object. *d) Procedure. And) Character *suspensivo of the resource. *f) Compensation. *g) Measures *cautelares.3. Review of @oficio.
(*)Subject 12. EXTINCTION DOS PUBLIC AGREEMENTS. (*)1. *Cumprimento.2. Resolution:it) Causes.*b) Effects.
(*)Subject 13. *CESIÓN And *SUBCONTRATACIÓN (*)
(*)Subject 15. AGREEMENT DE *CONCESIÓN DE PUBLIC WORK. (*)1. Preparation. 2. Advertising. 3. Procedures of adjudication.4. Execution and modification. 5. *Cumprimento.6. Extinction and resolution.
(*)Subject 16. AGREEMENT DE SUPPLIES (*)1. Preparation.2. Advertising.3. Procedures of adjudication.4. Execution and modification.5. *Cumprimento.6. Extinction and resolution.
(*)Subject 17. AGREEMENT DE MANAGEMENT DE PUBLIC SERVICES. (*)1. Preparation.2. Advertising.3. Procedures of adjudication.4. Execution and modification.5. *Cumprimento.6. Extinction and resolution. 7. Specialities of the agreement of *elaboración of projects.
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