Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Local development sociology
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1: State of the question: 1.1. The emergency of the subject venue
1.2. Change in the productive model
1.3. The meaning of the local Development: definition
Subject 2: local Development and social change
2.1. Theories of social change
2.2. Development and Communication
Subject 3: Actors of the Local Development 3.1. The actors of the local development
3.2. The paper of the administrations
3.3. Participation of the agents

Subject 4: Resources and diagnostic of the local development: 4.1. Half Physicist: physical resources and infrastructures.
4.2. Socioeconomic resources: human resources, economic activity and market of work
4.3. Equipments: basic services and sociocultural aspects
4.4. Methodologies of analysis: diagnostic and implementation of the action
Subject 5: local developmental Experiences 5.1. Options: since associative activities to programs of the UE
5.2. Globalization: challenges and opportunities

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