Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Marketing in the public and non-profit sector
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Case studies Case studies 20 B1
Problem solving Exercises 20 B1
Objective questions exam Tests only one answer correct 60 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION: to approve the asignatura requierese
satisfy of the conditions: (1) obtain a minimum punctuation of 5
points in the conjoint of the proofs to evaluar and (2) obtain how minimum 4
points in the proofs type test (marked on 10).

The assistance to class and the realization of the tasks proposed pole
professor (cases, exercises, suppositions, exhibitions, memories,
exámenes eliminatory...) And obligatoria and will be able to vary between them
distinct groups. The punctuation obtained by the participation as well as
the realization and delivery of all those tasks established pole
professor, keeps in the announcements of June and Xulio but NO
gardaránse for successive courses.

Those students that no cumplan the requirements demanded of
participation and/the assistance to the subject as well as of deliveries of
tasks proposals and, therefore, do not surpass the asignatura will have
law it an examen, that no necessarily will coincide with the examen of the
rest of the students.

EVALUATION NO CONTINUOUS: The students will be examined by means of
an escrito proof valued on 10 points, that no necessarily
will coincide with the rest of the students. In this case, the students owe
to indicate on purpose his wish of not following the evaluación
continuous to principle of course (during it first month of the semester)

GROUP EN INGLES: The tamaño maximum of the group of English will be of 20
alumos or 50% of the students enrolled, the first limit that achieve
. To be necessary a selection the professor will establish the
criteria of selection basados knowledge accredited of the tongue and
order of solicitud.

The students of movilidade international will have right the
realization of the evaluación continuous from the moment of the sua

The official exame of the subject realizaránse in the dates, places and
hours designated pole Decanato and published to the effect in the places and
plazos established


Art.6.-Evaluación. In wool guide docente of wool subject, will owe to be distinctly specified he type of evaluación y su punctuation. In him cronograma of wool asignatura will owe to be señaladas wools close in wools that owe to be realized y delivered wools pruebas y/the wool closes of wool prueba final in him marry to establish . He profesorado will search, in wool measured of lo possible, that wool evaluación of wool asignatura realize in su totalidad of manera continuous y virtual, sin prueba final presencial. Anyway, are obligatorio that wool evaluación continuous online suponga al least he 40% of wool note, y wool prueba final (that podrá exigirse in su modalidad presencial) suponga how maximum he 60% of wool total note of wool asignatura. In him marry de que esté due wool realization of join prueba final of manera presencial, ésta will coincide with wool closes y hour fijada in him calendar of el Center (wool misma closes that you stop he students of wool modalidad presencial)


1. Leer With attention y in case of duda consult with him Coordinador of el Degree in Direction y Gestión Public.

2. Cuadro Basic of "metodología" y "evaluación" of wool subject (in case of duda, consult with him/the manager of wool subject):

1. Aprendizaje With apoyo of el tutor:

1.1 Apoyo docente: 10 hours

1.2 Was it of dudas by subjects (on line): 8 hours web subject - Faitic

1.3 Was it of debate by subjects (on line): 8 hours web subject - Faitic


1. He students enrolled in wool modalidad semipresencial engages  with him instrument docente to follow a régimen of

Continuous semipresencial", that involves wool participation presencial the
virtual in wools activities that he profesorado diseñe stop says you it

2. Wool modalidad semipresencial supone wool evaluación
continuous of el aprendizaje of el students, it such end establishes with
character general, that wool prueba final tendrá place last wool of wools
6 sesiones of seguimiento, bien of form presencial (classroom
Facultad CCSSC), bien of virtual form (Skype the similar system

3. He students that in the take part in más of el 80% of
wools activities �of evaluación continuous semipresencial� propuestas by
him profesorado, will be evaluado según los criteria that establezca he
instrument docente in each subject.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000