Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Managerial skills in public administrations
Topic Sub-topic
1. TEAMWORK 1.1. Importance of the teamwork in the organisations

1.2 Advantages and problems of the teamwork

1.3. Technicians of teamwork

1.4. The direction of teams
2. DIRECTION AND LEADERSHIP 2.1. Direction and management vs. leadership

2.2. Models of leadership

2.3. Delegation and evaluation.
3. TIME MANAGEMENT 3.1. Advantages of the efficient of time management

3.2 Causes of the bad time management (thieves of the time)

3.3. Technicians of time management: individual and in team

3.4. Tools of planning

4.2. Application to the organisational innovation, structural and relaTional in the organisations

4.3. Decision making and problems solution
5. NEGOTIATION 5.1. Importance of the negotiation

5.2. Negotiation and management of the conflict: intership

5.3. Types of conflict and strategies of negotiation

5.4 . The process of negotiation (preparation, development and closing)

5.5. Skills of communication for the negotiation: asertivity
6. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 6.1. Selection of personnel
6.2. Psychotechnical proofs
6.3. CV
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