Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de CC. Sociais e da Comunicación
Grao en Comunicación Audiovisual
  New media interactive projects: Web
Topic Sub-topic
1 - Introduction Brief introduction multimedia
2 - Brief history of Internet. How we arrive until here 2.1 - Origin of the web and characteristics
2.2. Formats web
2.3. Client-server architecture
3. Design of pages web. 3.1. Design of the information
3.2. Design of the interactivity
3.3. Visual design
3.4. Design of usability.
4. Development languages of web projects 4.1. HTML
4.2. CSS
4.3. PHP
5 - Creation of web sites with Wordpress 5.1. Wordpress.*com *vs wordpress.*org
5.2. Hosting, domain and installation
5.3. Front-*end *vs *BackEnd
5.4. Basic adjustments of wordpress.*org
5.5. Content creation
5.6. Plugins
5.7. Graphic aspect (*templates / *themes)
6. Graphic design of web sites with *Worpdress. Visual composers 6.1. Gutenberg
6.2. Divi
7. WordPress websites optimization 7.1. SEO Optimization in Wordpress
7.2. Responsive Design and Mobile First
7.3. Accessibility web
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