Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
  Chemical industries of the wood, cellulose, pulp and paper
Topic Sub-topic
1º Part: chemical Industry of the wood: Industry of the paste and of the paper 1. Paste, paper and cardboard. Requests and sources of fibres *papeleras. Chemical composition of the wood. Behaviour of the fibres *celulósicas.
2. Characteristics of the wood. Effect of the morphology of the fibres on the properties of the paper. Identification of wooden species.
3. The resources of the wood. Measure of the wood for paste. Preparation of the wood for the manufacture of cellulose. Control of quality of the *astillas.
4. Processes of obtaining of pastes. Mechanical pastes, chemical, *semiquímicas and pastes to dissolve. Comparison of pastes and applications of the same.
5. The process to the sulphate. Definition of terms and description of the process *kraft. System of recovery of the chemical products. Chemistry of the process *kraft and variables that affect to the cooking to the sulphate.
6. Teams of cooking. Discontinuous and continuous digesters. *Deslignificación Widespread.
7. Treatment of the pastes: *Desfibrado, elimination of knots, wash, classification of pastes, thickened, pumping, stored, mixed, dried, cut and *apilado.
8. Recovery of the bleaches of cooking. Evaporation. Boiler of recovery. *Caustificación. Calcination. Recovery of by-products.
9. Bleaching of pastes. Sequences *ECF and *TCF. Stages of bleaching. Closing of circuits.
10. Economy and strategy of operation of a factory of pastes. Control of costs.
11. Preparation of the paste for the manufacture of the paper: Disintegration, *refinado, measure and mix of the composition.
12. Utilisation of secondary fibres. Disintegration of the *papelote and *destintado.
13. Additives no fibrous in the manufacture of the paper.
14. Manufacture of the paper – splits humid and dry part.
15. Reduction of the aqueous and atmospheric pollution in the industry *celulósica and *papelera
2º Part: Other forest chemical industries 16. Derived of the cellulose.
17. Extracts of the wood and his applications.
18. Resinación. Resin.
19. Sacarificación Of the wood. *Bioetanol.
20. Biorefinerías.
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