Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing The lesson *magistral is the common form of development of the function *expositiva, in that the professor develops a series of concepts related with the contents of the Subject, and the student adopts a paper *receptivo of said information. The employment of audiovisual means (slides, transparencies, videos, cannon of video, etc.) goes to be constant in these classes since the retention of information is very upper when they combine oral and visual stimuli. The lesson *magistral serves to develop conceptually a subject, give global versions, develop a methodology of work. Etc. In function of the advance of the course, the content of each didactic unit given will go facilitating previously and by writing, well as you aim or like bibliography, what makes possible to the student that assist to the classes with the previous reading of the subject. On the other hand, if the student knows that what gives will be able to find it in a book to the hour to study it, his attitude in class will be headed to to comprise the explanation, having to take only notice *marginales of what expands . In the case of the present subject, the employment of audiovisual means like digital presentations, multimedia, transparencies, *retroproyección, etc. has to speed up the exhibition of subjects with a marked descriptive character, or in which they require drawings and diagrams of complicated execution. The classes of discussion directed, will make at least one along the course and consists in the exhibition of a subject, that has to gather characteristics of real problem, wealth in contradictions or reasons of controversy, has to be of interest for the students, that have to know the activity with *antelación sufficient and be the quite qualified to issue opinions about the same. The technician orients to the *superación of the memorisation *acrítica, the promotion of the participation in the group and the *verbalización of ideas like half that favours his assimilation. Besides, it ascertains in an important part of the students a difficulty of expression and editorial, that can contribute to win by means of this didactic resource. The paper of the professor like driver or *moderador of the discussion is fundamental allowing all type of opinions on the subject. Besides, and of complementary form to the lesson *magistral, after the exhibition of controversial subjects or of special interest for the students, results interesting the organisation of debates of extension reduced, turns of questions, etc. Such activity, of realisation simpler that the previous, can consider more like a resource of preparation and control inside the lesson *magistral, that like a technician of extraneous nature to the same. Other tools that contribute to reinforce the included contents in the lessons *magistrales are. - Study of cases/analysis of situations /discussion directed: Formulation, analysis, resolution and debate of a problem or exercise related with the thematic of the subject. - Resolution of problems and/or exercises of autonomous form: Formulation, analysis, resolution and debate of a problem or exercise related with the thematic of the subject, by part of the students. - Presentations/exhibitions: oral Exhibition by part of the students of a concrete subject or of a work (generally previous presentation written). - Multimedia sessions: Employment of material *videográfico / on-line on appearances of the subject - Gone out of practical/study of field: Realisation of visits-exits to the field for the observation and study of appearances previously studied/analysed
Problem solving Formulation, analysis, resolution and debate of a problem or exercise related with the thematic of the subject, by part of the students. Will carry out exercises and problems on subjects as, static study of forest masses, dynamic study of the forest masses, etc.
Studies excursion The practice of the technicians, learnt theoretically, has to carry out in contact with the professional practice that only can obtain by means of the real practice of the technicians (or his direct observation) there where these carry out (industry, forest masses, etc.). Have to make the maximum number of practices of field or trips of practices, without which the theoretical educations result insufficient to achieve the educational aims. The practices of field pretend therefore achieve fix the concepts of the subject, give to the students the opportunity to put in contact with the professional world and boost the relations between students and professor student out of the centre. The realisation of trips of practices have felt when really they contribute new knowledges that they are impossible to purchase in the own School. The exit of field will not make in the case of teaching no face-to-face or *semi-face-to-face. In this case of *substituirá by the practical observation of audiovisual material of works and field of *repoblaciones forest.
Project based learning - *Organizacvión Of seminars *ou specific conferences - Presentations/exhibitions: oral Exhibition by part of the students of a concrete subject or of a work (generally previous presentation written). - Multimedia sessions: Employment of material *videográfico / on-line on appearances of the subject - Days of study of appearances previously studied/analysed in the exits of field
Case studies - Study of cases/analysis of situations or discussion directed: Formulation, analysis, resolution and debate of a problem or exercise related with the thematic of the subject.
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