Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
  Forest certification and legislation
Topic Sub-topic
BASIC LEGISLATION I 1.- Right: The concept of law, Classification, sources and basic principles in Spanish legal framework.
2.- Spanish Constitution: Study as a whole,
Principles, spanish constitution, reform
3.- Congress and Senate: Elaboration of laws,
Electoral law, prerogatives of Members and
Senators, the congress of deputies (Composition, election, mandate, duration, Functions, etc.), the senate (composition, election, Mandate, duration, functions, etc.).
4.- Galician Parliament: Background, Parliamentary study as a whole, initiative Legislation, competition from Galicia, Galicia, sources of autonomic law.
5.- The European Union: Objectives of the U.E.,
Evolution, institutions, sources and principles.
6.- Organization of the state: Municipalities,
Provinces and autonomous communities.
7.- Judicial branch and other institutions: Introduction, division of powers, defender of
Town, general council of the judiciary, Courts, hearing and other institutions.
8.- Relations between citizens and Public administrations: Introduction, law Administrative, administrative act, classes, phases Of the procedure, administrative remedies. The
Law of administrative procedure.
LEGISLATION II 9.- Contracts Law: Classes, forms of contracting,
Content and effects of contracts Administrative, compliance with contracts Administrative, resolution, termination and resignation.
10.- Forest property: Concept of property,
Legal concept of the hill, classification of the hill.
11.- Law of mountains: Complete study of the Law
Forest fires (43/2003 and 10/2006).
12.- Development of the law at the regional level:
Proposed draft of the new Mountains of Galicia.
13.- Neighborhood forests in common hand:
Legislation, concept, characteristics, process
Legalization, organization, statutes, administration.
14.- Other forest-related laws:
Fires. Law of the land bank of Galicia,
Decree of the Units of Forest Management.
15.- Hunting and fishing legislation. Law of
Conservation of biodiversity. Legislation of
Natural spaces and conservation of
Nature (Natura 2000 Network) and environment.
Law of landscape, etc.
FOREST CERTIFICATION 16.- The protection of forests in the world
After the 1992 Rio Summit.
17.- International Management Initiatives
Sustainable Forestry.
18.- Ministerial Conferences for the Protection of forests in Europe.
19.- Other global processes: Montreal, Tarapoto, dry Africa, etc.
20.- Sustainable Forest Management.
21.- Forest certification: Processes and Initiatives.
22.- Criteria and indicators.
23.- UNE 162,000 standards in Spain
24.- Current systems more implemented: PEFC and FSC.
25.- Practical forms of forest certification.
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