Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
Topic Sub-topic
1.Introducción The wool environmental geology Minerales, cristales and rocks. Geodiynamic Internal. Geodynamic External. Geology of Galicia. Geologycal resources.
2. The soil: Approaches, work and study. The soil: conceptual approaches. Edafic organizations. Edafology. The Science of the soil.
3. Ecologycal factors of training Genesis of soils: factors and processes. Spatial variability of the soil. Horizonation. Ecological factors of training of soil.
4. Meteorization of rocks and minerales and edaphogenesis. Weathering. Type and processes of weathering. Approach general of wool edaphogenesis. Conceptual model: basic processes in him development of the soil. Basic processes and resultant horizons. Weatherization and Deep geochemical
5 .Studio of the soils in him field. Morfology
and description of the soils.
Place and pedión. Wool calicata. Morphology of the soil. Studio of wool internal organization of a soil. Interpretation of a profile of a soil. Properties and characteristics of a soil. You work of transferring. Description Of floors. Horizons of the soil: Horizons genetic and horizons of diagnosis
6. Physical properties and comportement of the soil. The soil how system of three phases. Physical properties of the soil. Composition granulometric. Texture. Color. Structure of the soil: description of wool organization of wools individual particles. Density and porosity
7. Inorganic componencts of the soil Origin of minerals of soil. The minerals Of wools particles of soil. Minerals Of wool fraction, sand and limo. Minerals Of wool fraction clay
8. Organic components of the soil. Contributions Of organic subject. Organic subject of the soil and humus. You work of wool organic subject of the soil. Factors that influence in him content, class and evolution of wool organic subject of the soil. Relation C / N. Evolution of wool organic subject of the soil. Importance environmental of wool organic subject of the soil

9. Chemical properties, physical-chemical and behavior of the soil
Chemical of the soils. Forms in that find the chemical elements in the soils: bioavailability. Colloidal properties of the soil and react of surface. Capacity of exchange Cationic.Reaction of soil. Salinity, Sodicity and Alkalinity of soil. Potential of Oxidation-Reduction. Pollution of soils.

10. Ecology Of the soil and cycle of the element
Soil and biodiversity: flows of nutrient and energy. Rhizosphere. You work of the organisms in him soil. Cycles biogeochemicals.
11. Water Of soil: content, potentials and movement. Content Of water in him soil. Measure of the content of water in him soil. Energy of water in soil: potential water and its components. Hydraulic conductivity. Infiltration. Classes of drainage
12. Introduction The wool classification of the soils.
Wool classification of soils. Soil Taxonomy. World Reference Base was Soil Resources.
13. Quality and sustainability: Forests and quality of the ecosystem I have ecosystem forest and I soil. Management or forest management sustainable. Quality of the soil. Indicators Of quality. Evaluation of wool quality of forest soils

14. Climatology
Factors that condition wool expression of a climate. Elements of the climate. Atmospheric circulation. Analysis and prediction Of the time. Wools climatic classifications.
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