Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
  Mathematics: Statistics
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing Explanation by the professor of the theoretical foundations, which should be studied outside of class.
At the beginning of each topic, students will be provided with notes and material for a better follow-up of the class.
The CG1 and CE11 competences are worked on.
Problem solving Classes in the classroom dedicated to solve exercises, and to propose, solve, analyze or interpret problems.
The CG1, CE11, CT8 competences are worked on.
Autonomous problem solving In each subject students should work on a bulletin to know how to solve problems and similar exercises to those in class.
It will also be proposed to investigate questions of interest.
Also, students will conduct self-assessment questionnaires at the end of the topics or blocks of the subject.
There will also be computer exercises related to laboratory practices.
All the competences of the subject are worked on.
Practices through ICT Management of statistical software by each student.
Fundamentally, EXCEL or CALC, and R Commander will be used.
In each subject, work will be done on the computer following a script to learn the application, calculation and interpretation of basic statistical techniques.
Data files related to the field of Forestry Engineering will be analized.
All the competences of the subject are worked on.
Mentored work The students will organize themselves in work groups to study a case of real data or a simulation.
Each group should choose a problem related to the field of Forest Engineering, obtain or simulate data relative to it, describe and analyze them statistically and draw some relevant conclusions.
The work will be done mostly outside the classroom, although some parts of preparation and supervision will be in the classroom.
Likewise, the presentation of the work will be face-to-face.
All the competences of the subject are worked on.
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