Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
  Mathematics: Overview of mathematics
   Contingency plan
Given the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will be activated when the administrations and the institution itself determine it, considering safety, health and responsibility criteria both in distance and blended learning. These already planned measures guarantee, at the required time, the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way, as it is known in advance (or well in advance) by the students and teachers through the standardized tool.

* Teaching methodologies maintained

The sub-item "Laboratory practices: Problem solving using mathematical calculation systems" is maintained, with the only exception that the practices will be carried out online.
The sub-item "Voluntary Presentation: Presentations depending on the level of student disposition" is maintained, with the only exception that the presentations will be made online.

* Teaching methodologies modified

The sub-item "Master class: Standard class using blackboard and computer media by all the participants." It will be replaced by "Virtual Master Lesson: Standard class using virtual classrooms and/or explanatory videos made by the teacher (FAITIC)".

The sub-item "Problem solving: Complementary problems of purely theoretical content" will be replaced by "Problem solving: Complementary problems of purely theoretical content solved directly in the virtual classroom and/or in explanatory videos prepared by the teacher (FAITIC) "

* Non-attendance mechanisms for student attention (tutoring)

Preferably through the UVIGO virtual dispatch system or UVIGO email under the arrangement of an appointment. If a student were unable to use these methods, the use of other non-institutional channels will be considered: Skype, Google Meet, telephone, ...

* Modifications (if applicable) of the contents

No modifications are contemplated.

* Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning

The use of additional bibliography to the ordinary is not contemplated. However, the teacher will try to make the most of the resources used available in the FAITIC, with the aim of facilitating student access to content.

* Other modifications

Not contemplate

* Tests already carried out

Continuous evaluation: [Previous weight 50%] [Proposed weight 50%]

Since the activities of the face-to-face continuous evaluation can be transferred to the virtual continuous evaluation (laboratory practices, exercise exhibitions, ...), the weight proposed for the continuous evaluation is maintained.

* Pending tests that are maintained

Continuous evaluation: [Previous weight 50%] [Proposed weight 50%]

Since the activities of the continuous face-to-face assessment can be transferred to the virtual continuous assessment (laboratory practices, exercise exhibitions, ...), the weight proposed for the continuous assessment is maintained.

* Evidence that is modified

[Final exam face-to-face] => [Virtual final exam]

If the final face-to-face exam cannot be taken, it will be replaced by a virtual final test at FAITIC, maintaining its weight. The test may include both the virtual delivery of handwritten exercises by students and their response to self-correcting test questions (within a wide battery of questions). In order to verify that the author of the exam is really the student, the teacher can organize a virtual defense session for the exam, where the student must justify their answers in the test. This virtual session will not have an impact on the exam grade, unless a fraud is detected in the performance of the exam, in which case the qualification obtained will be zero points.

* New tests

They are not contemplated.

* Additional Information

If there are any students under exceptional circumstances (such as lack of technological resources) that may limit their participation in the subject on equal terms with their peers, the teacher will try to adapt the assessment to these special needs.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000