Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Oferta de Materias Específicas de Departamentos para Alumnos ISEP, Erasmus y Visitantes
  Comunicación intercultural
   Fuentes de información
Bibliografía Básica Bettoni, Camilla, Usare un'altra lingua. Guida alla pragmatica interculturale, 1ª, Laterza, 2006
Brown, H. Douglas, Principles of language learning and teaching, 6ª, Pearson, 2014
Cestero Mancera, Ana Mª (coordinadora), Estudios de comunicación no verbal, 1ª, Edinumen, 1998
Grosjean, François, Bilingual: Life and reality, 1ª, Harvard University Press, 2010
Hernández Sacristán, Carlos, Culturas y acción comunicativa. Introducción a la pragmática intercutural, 1ª, Octaedro, 1999
Jackson, Jane, Language, identity and study abroad. Sociocultural perspectives, 1ª, Equinox, 2008
Morris, Desmond, People watching. The Desmond Morris Guide to body language, Vintage Books, 1977/2002
Morris, Desmond, Bodytalk. A world guide to gestures, 1994
Piller, Ingrid, Intercultural communication. A critical introduction, 1ª, Edinburgh University Press, 2011
Poyatos, Fernando, La comunicación no verbal. Volumen I. Cultura, lenguaje y conversación, 1ª, Istmo, 1994
Sarangi, S., Accounting for mismatches in intercultural selection interviews, 1994
Scollon, Ron & Scollon, S. W., Intercultural communication: A discourse approach, 2ª, Blackwell, 2000
Tannen, Deborah, Discourse in cross-cultural commucation (= Special issue), 1986
Tannen, Deborah, Género y discurso, (traducción al español), Paidós, 1996
Bibliografía Complementaria Agar, M., Language shock: Understanding the culture of conversation, 1ª, William Morrow, 1994
Basso, K., To give up on words: Silence in Western Apache culture, Penguin, 1972
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, Dinner talk: Culture patterns of sociability and socialization in family discourse, 1ª, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997
Bowe, H. & Martin, K., Communication across cultures: Mutual understandings in a global world, 1ª, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Burgen, Stephen, La lengua de tu madre. El libro de los tacos e improperios de Europa, (traducción al español), Planeta, 1996/1997
Duranti, Alessandro, Linguistic anthropology, 1ª, Cambridge University Press, 1997
Goddard, C. (ed.), Ethnopragmatics: Understanding discourse in cultural context, 1ª, Mouton de Gruyter, 2006
Gudykunst, W. B. (ed.), Cross-cultural and intercultural communication, 1ª, Sage, 2003
Hall, Edward T., The silent language, 1ª, Doubleday & Company, 1959
Hall, Edward T., The hidden dimension, 1ª, Doubleday & Company, 1966
Hall, Edward T., Beyond culture, 1ª, Doubleday & Company, 1976
Hall, Edward T., The dance of life, 1ª, Anchor Press & Doubleday, 1983
Jackson, Jane (ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication, 1ª, Routledge, 2012
Kasper, G., The role of pragmatics in language teacher education, 1ª, McGraw-Hill, 1997
Kecskes, Istvan, Intercultural pragmatics, 1ª, Oxford University Press, 2014
Kochman, T., Black and white styles in conflict, 1ª, University of Chicago Press, 1981
Lustig, M. W. & Koester, J., Intercultural competence: Interpersonal communication across cultures, 5ª, Allyn and Bacon, 2005
Moerman, M., Talking culture: Ethongraphy and conversation analysis, 1ª, University of Pensylvannia Press, 1988
Palmer, Gary B., Lingüística cultural, (traducción al españo), Alianza Editorial, 2000
Pavlenko, Aneta & Blackledge, Adrian (eds.), Negotiation of identities in multilingual contexts, 1ª, Multilingual Matters, 2004
Piller, Ingrid, Bilingual couples talk: The discursive construction of hybridity, 1ª, John Benjamins, 2002
Poyatos, Fernando, La comunicación no verbal. Volumen II. Paralenguaje, kinésica e interacción, 1ª, Istmo, 1994
Riggenbach, H., Toward and understanding of fluency: A microanalysis of non-native speaker conversations, 1991
Samovar, L. A. & Porter, R. E. (eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader, 1ª, Thomson Wadsworth, 2003
Scollon, Ron & Wong-Scollon, S., Topic confusion in English-Asian discourse, 1991
Tannen, Deborah, The pragmatics of cross-cultural communication, 1984
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