Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Oferta de Materias Específicas de Departamentos para Alumnos ISEP, Erasmus e Visitantes
  Spanish and Hispanic literature lessons
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Mentored work In the hours of *tutoría students and students will be able to consult, of personalised way, any doubt that have, so much on the contents of the subject as on the different relative questions to the development of the works. The works made in the classroom and the exercises resolved in the same will explain also, at all times, with this personalised attention. The attention by email will carry out IN THE SAME HOURS of the *tutorías face-to-face.
Problem solving In the hours of *tutoría students and students will be able to consult, of personalised way, any doubt that have, so much on the contents of the subject as on the different relative questions to the development of the works. The works made in the classroom and the exercises resolved in the same will explain also, at all times, with this personalised attention. The attention by email will carry out IN THE SAME HOURS of the *tutorías face-to-face.
Lecturing In the face-to-face sessions students and students will be able to consult, of personalised way, any doubt that have, so much on the contents of the subject as on the different relative questions to the development of the works. The attention by email will carry out IN THE SAME HOURS of the *tutorías face-to-face.
Seminars In the hours of *tutoría in group students and students will be able to consult, of personalised way, any doubt that have, so much on the contents of the subject as on the different relative questions to the development of the works. The attention by email will carry out IN THE SAME HOURS of the *tutorías face-to-face.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000