Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Oferta de Materias Específicas de Departamentos para Alumnos ISEP, Erasmus e Visitantes
  Spanish and Hispanic literature lessons
Code Description
A1 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
A2 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
A5 Students will have acquired the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
B1 Capacitación dos estudantes para que adquiran coñecementos lingüísticos e literarios.
B2 Adquisición dos fundamentos metodolóxicos e críticos que permitan aos estudantes acceder ao exercicio da actividade profesional cunha formación versátil e interdisciplinar.
B3 Capacidade dos estudantes no manexo das novas tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación aplicadas ao campo dos estudos lingüísticos e literarios.
B6 To be able to appreciate other cultures and artistic manifestations and to raise awareness in one’s milieu about the appreciation of intercultural diversity. To explore the social, professional, educational and cultural consequences of the use and learning of the languages being studied in the degree.
B7 Coñecer os métodos básicos do estudo e análise lingüística e literaria.
B8 Ability to participate and organize group debates and activities, developing independent, critical-thinking skills.
B9 To acquire learning abilities to pursue further studies independently, starting from the knowledge that has already been acquired and through use of new technologies.
B10 To integrate different types of knowledge and develop a solid communication process that, even if it is incomplete, will include reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities involved in the communication process.
C3 Knowledge of Galician, Spanish and Portuguese literatures.
C6 Knowledge of the concepts and methods of literary analysis.
C7 Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological approaches to literary theory and criticism.
C19 Ability to critically evaluate the bibliography of works consulted and to frame it within a theoretical perspective.
D3 General knowledge about the study area (language, Galician languages, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, literature, technology, cultural studies)
D9 Critical and self-critical capacity.
D10 Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
D11 Ability to handle the bibliography consulted and to quote it adequately.
D12 Respect for professional ethics and, in particular, for intellectual property.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000