Guia docente 2020_21
E. U. de Enfermaría (Ourense)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Modern language: Technical english
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the terminology of Health
1.1 Admitting patients. Parts of the body.
1.2 Patients after an operation. Pain.
1.3 Terminally ill patients. Feelings.
1.4 The district nurse. Wounds.
1.5 Rehabilitation.
1.6 Mobilising patients. Mobility aids.
1.7 Medical imaging.
1.8 Diabetis.
2. Analysis and understanding of specific texts. 2.1 Scientific texts and translation.
2.2 Bibliographic Research.
2.3 Grammatical structures:
-Verbal tenses.
-Conjunctions and prepositions.
3. Reading and comprehension 3.1 Reading.
3.2 Main ideas.
3.3 Questions about the text.
3.4 Composition
The sub-topics can be modified according to the level of students.
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