Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Aeronáutica e do Espazo
Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial
  Physics: Physics I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Research based methodologies Students will present the results of their research. The maximum marks of this part will be 10% of the final total marks.
10 D4
Laboratory practical In order to pass the course, laboratory tasks should be carried out. Continuous assessment will be used during the realisation of the tasks. The maximum marks of this part will be 15% of the final total marks.
15 C2
Essay questions exam There will be an exam that include questions and exercises. The maximum marks of this part will be 60% of the final total marks. However, a minimum of 5 over 10 has to be reached in the exam to pass the course.
60 B2
Problem and/or exercise solving The maximum marks of this part will be 15% of the final total marks.
15 C2
Other comments on the Evaluation

Assessment system in second call will be the same as explained before. Marks achieved in Laboratory, research based methodologies and Troubleshooting can be saved. Laboratory tasks should have been carried out in order to attend the second call.

Dates of evaluation:

the official dates can be found in

http : //

Off-site students should notify the situation to the coordinator of the course. In this case the maximum marks of the exam will be 85% of the final total marks and 15% will correspond to laboratory.

In summary:

Assessment of on-site students:

- Exam up to 60% (a minimum of 5 over 10 has to be reached in the exam to pass the course)

- Troubleshooting up to 15%

- Research based methodologies up to 10%

- Laboratory tasks up to 15% (mandatory)

Evaluation for students who do not choose a continuous assessment.

- Exam up to 85% (a minimum of 5 over 10 has to be reached in the exam to pass the course).

- Laboratory tasks up to 15% (mandatory)


A minimum of 5 over 10 has to be reached in the exam to pass the course. In the case that the mark of 5 (over 10) is not reached in the exam, the mark that will appear in the record will be the mark of that exam. The duration of the exam will be approximately 2.5 hours.

Off-site students that do not pass in  the first call can attend the assessment in second call by solving one unique exam with questions regarding all contents of the course (whenever they have done the laboratory practices)

In special cases, where for justified and previously notified reasons, the students can not attend the practices, or participate in continuous assessment. The 100% of the evaluation will correspond to a final exam in which all the competences of the course will be evaluated.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000