Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e Traballo Social
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Pedagogical foundations of special education
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Avaliación da exposición por parte do alumnado ante o docente e/ou un grupo de estudantes dun tema sobre contidos da materia ou dos resultados dun traballo, exercicio, proxecto... Pódese levar a cabo de maneira individual ou en grupo.
10 A4
Mentored work Avaliación dos exercicios e proxectos realizados baixo a supervisión do profesor. 40 B1
Mentored work
Avaliación dos traballos realizados e entregados polos alumnos/as
20 A4
Problem and/or exercise solving Os alumnos deben realizar unha proba de exame de resposta corta en base os coñecementos teóricos e prácticos da materia 30 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation

The evaluation that proposes is an evaluation multicriterio, is to say, an evaluation that admits
proposals of assessment in all the activities that carry out

(theoretical knowledges, practical, works, examination, �) allowing an
evaluation that suppose an integral assessment of the student/to.

Criteria to surpass the subject:
Assistant: understand by alumnado assistant that that assists with
regularity to the kinds (minimo a 80%). This will have to take part in the
modalidades indicated in the apartado of Evaluation and will be indispensable
condition to surpass the subject obtain in each one of them like minimum
the half of the punctuation.

-Alumnado No assistant:
understand by alumnado no assistant that that does not assist with
regularity to the kinds (fault more of a 20%). This will have to realize an
examination in which go in all the contents of the subject, included the abordados
in the practical works. It will be indispensable condition to surpass the subject
obtain like minimum 5 points.

Second announcement:

no purchased competitions in the first announcement will be evaluated in the second
(July). Of not surpassing this last announcement will not save the punctuations obtained. It answers to the same exigencias and proofs realized in the first announcement.

You date examinations:

Consult http://educacion-ou.Webs.uvigo.It is/educacion-or/web/index.php/Degree-educacion-childish/time

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