Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e Traballo Social
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Pedagogical foundations of special education
Code Description
A4 Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised public.
B1 Know the objectives, curricular content, and the evaluation criteria in Primary Education.
B3 Design and regulate learning spaces within diversity contexts to meet students´singular educational needs, gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
B4 Promote coexistence in and out of the classroom and address peaceful resolution of conflicts. Know how to systematically follow learning and coexistence contexts and reflect on them.
B6 Know how language evolves in early childhood, learn to identify possible problems and assure adequate evolution. Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Oral and written expression, as well as mastery in the use of the different expression techniques.
B9 Knowledge of how primary schools are organised and the different actions that comprise their operation. Assume that the practice of teaching has to be improved and adapted to the scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
B11 Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve educational tasks, acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning, and promote them among students.
B12 Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the core competencies affecting higher education schools and their professionals. Know the quality improvement models that can be applied to educational centres.
C4 Know how to identify stages and their cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics.
C6 Know the pedagogical dimension of interaction with peers and adults and learn how to promote participation in group activities, cooperative work and individual effort.
C7 To identify learning difficulties, cognitive and attention-related malfunctions.
C8 Know how to inform other professional specialists regarding centre and teacher collaboration in catering to the special educational needs that may arise.
C9 Acquire resources to promote educational integration of students with difficulties.
C10 Create and maintain communication ties with families to effectively influence the educational process.
C19 Understand that the daily dynamics in primary education is changeable depending on each student, group and situation and learn to be flexible in the teaching practice.
C21 Ability to work in a team with other professionals from both inside and outside the centre, to provide attention •Procedure-based to every student, and to plan learning sequences and organise work situations in the classroom and playground, by identifying the specific characteristics of the 0 to 3-year-old and the 3 to 6-year-old age brackets.
C22 Cater to students' needs and transmit safety, peace of mind and affection.
C30 Participate in the preparation and follow-up of primary education projects within the school's framework of projects, and through collaboration with the region and with other professionals and social agents.
C32 Value the personal relationship with each student and his/her family as a factor of educational quality.
D2 Capacity for organisation and planning
D3 Oral and written communication
D5 Knowledge of informatics
D6 Information management capacity
D7 Troubleshooting
D8 Decision-making
D9 Team Work
D10 Work in an international context
D11 Skills in interpersonal relations
D12 Critical reasoning
D13 Critical reasoning
D14 Ethical commitment
D15 Autonomous learning
D16 Adaptation to new situations
D17 Creativity
D18 Leadership
D19 Knowledge of other cultures and customs
D21 Motivation for quality
D22 Awareness of environmental issues
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