Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e Traballo Social
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Education: Tutoring and guidance with the family
Topic Sub-topic
1. Orientation and tutoría in the normative frame.

1.1. Conceptual frame and relation between Tutoría and Educative Orientation.
1,2. Tutor, tutoría and Orientation in the Spanish Legislation.
1.3. The Orientation in Childish Education.
2. The action tutorial: organization and planning.

2.1. Action tutorial: organization and planning
2.1.1. Programming of the Action Tutorial
2.1.2. Proposal of Plan of Action Tutorial
3. Technical and instruments for the action tutorial and the educative orientation.

3.1. The observation
3.2. The interview
3.3. The questionnaire
3.4. Analysis of material documents
3.5. Other technicians and instruments
4. Tutoria and familiar orientation 4.1. Period of adaptation
4.2. The tutor in front of the specific needs of educative support
4.3. Collaboration bidireccional family-school
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