Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e Traballo Social
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Education: Inclusive schooling and emphasis on diversity
   Contingency plan
In front of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in the moment in that the administrations and the own institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the teaching in a no face-to-face stage or partially face-to-face. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the teaching of a more agile and effective way when being known in advance (or with a wide *antelación) by the students and the faculty through the tool normalised and institutionalised of the educational guides.

*Metodoloxías educational that *manteñen:

Ace *metodoloxías educational will be ace *mesmas us three stages, since *foron *deseñadas to facilitate *unha transfer *fluída from a stage 100% face-to-face to *outro 100% in remote. In *calquera case, to only *diferenza *atinxe *ou *espazo *non that will manage to *actividade. No possible stage of *ensinanza mixed *ou *semipresencial, ace *metodoloxías *levaríanse to cape of way *semipresencial and virtual. By *outra band, no stage of *ensinanza to distance, ace *metodoloxías planned *adaptaríanse to a *modalidade of *execución virtual.

*Metodoloxías Educational that modify :

*Non modifies to own dynamics of *ningunha *metodoloxía educational, except, as I gave no previous section, to *súa *modalidade of *execución, face-to-face and virtual (no case *dun mixed stage); and exclusively virtual (no case *dun stage to distance).

Mechanism *non face-to-face of attention *ao students (*titorías):

No potential stage of teaching *semipresencial, ace *sesións of *titorización *poderán make *presencialmente and/*ou no virtual dispatch, *baixo to *modalidade of *concertación previous and no time that *estableza. No case *dun educational stage *na *modalidade to distance, to *titorización *realizarase *unicamente telematic half poles mentioned.

*Modificacións ( Proceed) two *contidos to give:

*Non *hai *modificacións us *contidos to give.

Additional bibliography to facilitate to car-*aprendizaxe:

To additional bibliography will be provided *ao *longo *do *desenvolvemento gives matter.

*Outras *modificacións:
• *Ferramentas For to virtual teaching. No stage of teaching *semipresencial, *ademais gives face-to-face teaching *nas classrooms, to *actividade educational virtual *impartirase by means of Campus Integrates and *preverase *asemade or use gives platform of *teledocencia *Faitic like *reforzo, and *sen *prexuízo *doutras measured that *poidan adopt for *garantir to *accesibilidade *do students *aos *contidos educational.
• No stage of teaching to distance, to *actividade educational *realizarase exclusively of virtual way.


*Non *hai changes *nin us instruments *nin us criteria of *avaliación established *na ordinary educational guide.

*Probas *pendentes That *manteñen:

All ace *probas *propostas *na educational guide for ace *vindeiras announcements, *mantéñense in *calquera give three modalities of *ensinanza planned: face-to-face, mixed and to distance, for or course 2020-21. You criteria of *avaliación, as well as to *súa weighting on to final note, *manteñen, so much for or students assistant, comma for or *non assistant. You *procedementos *ou *tipoloxía of *probas of *avaliación, *tampouco modify no *seu *contido, but if no *seu way of *execución, do not marry two *dous *potenciais extraordinary educational stages planned. Like this, no case to be *nunha situation of *ensinanza mixed *ou *semipresencial, ace *probas of *avaliación *poderán be organised of face-to-face way, *dependendo give *instalacións and half *dispoñibles. *non *fose Possible *facelas *presencialmente, *combinaríase to *modalidade face-to-face *coa virtual *ou *realizaríanse exclusively of virtual form.
To situation *é of *ensinanza to distance, all ace *probas of *avaliación *realizaranse of virtual way.

*Probas That modify

For or course 2020-2021, *non *hai *modificacións *nas *probas of *avaliación, *agás no referred *á *modalidade of *avaliación: face-to-face *ou virtual, *dependendo *do sanitary stage no that slight to cape to teaching.

*Novas *probas:
*Non Foresee *novas *probas of *avaliación.

Additional information
*Non *hai.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000