Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, xestión e protección do patrimonio cultural
  Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage

Other comments
Stop the successful culmination of the subject is *recomendable the tracking of the *cronograma that will be accessible to the beginning of the *Máster, which will facilitate the owed realization of the activities scheduled by the @docente. The mandatory readings of the subject are available in the platform *Faitic in # No it will evaluate any activity neither work presented out of term. It IS *recomendable formulate any doubt to the @docente of the subject for power amended the more immediately possible. The evaluation of the common announcement and the second announcement will realize of equal way. The teaching of the subject will be always of face-to-face telematic way, well was synchronous or asynchronous, using the eMoodle (FaiTic) educational platform and participating in the educational activities through multiple videoconference (e-meeting, Remote Campus). To be able to receive the teaching of effective way it si recommended , previously to the start of the matter, to consult the manual of access to the platform and to follow the technical specifications in order to assist to the remote sessions. It is indispensable that each student access to the educational platform of the subject previously to the beginning of the same.
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