Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, xestión e protección do patrimonio cultural
  Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Case studies They will make the works and projects proposed by the educational, using tools of remote delivery in the date indicated and whose information will be from the beginning of the available course in the platform *Faitic in
The result of learning evaluated is: Qualify to the student to develop projects and works in the field *patrimonial with sufficient legal knowledges, through
classes essentially practical.
50 C3
Problem solving They will make proofs of on-line evaluation (test type test), on the contents of the matter (subjects 1 and 2) in the in the date indicated and whose information will be from the beginning of the available course in the platform *Faitic in
The result of learning evaluated is: Comprise the key concepts around the cultural heritage, to juridical level, for his academic training and his professional development through a coherent and orderly synthesis of the abundant and disperse *corpus legal in this field.
50 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

Stop the *culminaci�*n successful of the subject, *� *recomendable the tracking of the *cronograma that *estar� accessible to the beginning of the *M�*ster (*Faitic), which *facilitar� the owed *realizaci�*n of the activities scheduled by the @docente.

No *avaliar� any activity neither work presented *f�frog of term.

*� *recomendable Formulate any *d�*bida *� @docente of the subject for power amended the *m�*is *axi�the possible and not expecting to the *l�*mite of the date of delivery.

The student, second the valid rule, has *d�the announcements of *avaliaci�*n. The first carries out during it first *cuadrimestre of *docencia. In the case that the weeks of *docencia are not sufficient stop the delivery of the due works, will enable the platform of *docencia *d�the weeks, at the end of the *cuadrimestre, to facilitate the said delivery, *establec�*ndose in this case a *cronograma alternative of tasks. The second *avaliaci�*n *real�*zase in the month of July, stop what *habilitar� #afresh the access *� teaching platform. The *avaliaci�*n of the common announcement and the second announcement will realize of equal way, with the same requirements.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000