Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Historia
Degree in Geography and History
  Culture, identity and social change
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the Social History and of the Mentalities. Humanism and science. 1.1 The Renaissance and the trips of discovery. A new vision of the world.
1.2 The development of the imperialism (conquests and occupations).
1.3 Revolutions, romanticism and crisis of the rural power: The American independences and his relation with the European revolutions.
2. Thought, Culture and Identity in America. 2.1 Of Bolívar to the Bolivarian of the 21st century.
2.2 New ideologies and new identities: Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Populisms.
2.3 social Conflicts and political violence.
2.4 Nativism.
2.5 Woman and Gender.
2.6 The Theology of the release.
2.7 The music in the culture: The revolutionary song.
3. Migrations in the contemporary period: The Galician case. 3.1 Of the village to city. Mentality of gone and turn.
3.2 Influence and changes in the societies of received and of origin.
3.3 Asociationism and cultural identity.
3.4 The returned, between the idea of change and the adaptation.
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