Educational guide 2019_20
Escola de Enxeñería Industrial
Grao en Enxeñaría Biomédica
  Computer Science: computer science for engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Tests for evaluating aquired competencies that include cuestions from which the student must choose a response from a set of alternatives (true/false, multiple choice,...) 15 B3
Laboratory practice Tests for evaluating aquired competencies that include activities, problems or practical excercises to be solved. 70 B1
Essay questions exam Tests for evaluating aquired competencies that include cuestions regarding a subject. The students must develop, relate, organize and present their knowledge regarding the subject. 15 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation
Ethical commitment:

Students are expected to behave ethically. If unethical behaviour is detected (copying,plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic 

devices and others), then it will beconsidered that the student does not meet the minimum requirements to pass thecourse. In this case, the final grade for the current academic year will befailed (0.0).

In additionto the ethical commitment, the following is underlined:
In the first place, a person registered in the course is by default subject to the continuous assessment system; if the student does not want to be in this system, the he/she must expressly renounce to it within the established deadlines.


In the present course, the continuous assessment will collect all the evidence oflearning from the person enrolled and will be grouped into three assessments.The first two will take place preferably in the laboratories: Test 1 and Test2. The third evaluation may be written: Test 3. If the student does notrenounce to the continuous evaluation system, tests that are not attended will be considered as qualified as zero (0.0). A minimum score of 30% out of 10 (3.0points) must be obtained in the last two evaluations: Test 2 and Test 3, inorder to be eligible to have the final average calculated. If this requirementis not met and the final average is equal to or greater than 5, the final gradewill be 4:

Test 1 * 0.3 + (Test 2>=3) * 0. 4 + (Test 3>=3) * 0. 3 >=5

A studentis considered passed if he/she obtains a five or more in compliance with allthe requirements.

First call

The following must be met to pass the subject under continuous assessment: 
Test 1 * 0.3 + (Test 2>=3) * 0. 4 + (Test 3>=3) * 0. 3 >= 5 

Once thefirst evaluation: Test 1, has been carried out, the person enrolled may requestto abandon the continuous evaluation system (within the period and by the meansestablished by the teaching staff). In this way, the person enrolled will beable to follow the non-continuous assessment system.

Second call

a person does not reach the passing level in the first exam (May/June) but has
passed the minimum mark in the second exam: Test 2, in the second call
(June/July) he/she can choose to keep the grades of the first two tests, and
take a 3-points exam, or take a 100% exam in the subject (10 points). If the
person takes the 3-points test, he/she will be asked for a minimum score of 30%
out of 10 (3. 0 points) in order to calculate the final grade. If this
requirement is not met and the final average is equal to or greater than 5, the
final grade will be 4.


exam that allows students to obtain 100% of the grade.  The exam may be divided into sections, minimuns can be required.

call (May/June):

students who have expressly renounced to the continuous assessment system may
take the May/June exam (on the date and at the time proposed by the School) and
take an exam that allows them to obtain 100% of the grade. This exam is not
open to those who have failed the continuous assessment.

call (June/July):

exam will be proposed to evaluate 100% of the subject, for those who have not
achieved the minimum mark in the first call.

version of the guide was made in Spanish. For any doubt or contradiction, the
Spanish guide will be mandatory.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000