Educational guide 2019_20
Escola de Enxeñería Industrial
Degree in Electrical Engineering
  Technical Office
Topic Sub-topic
1.- Presentation • Presentation
• Guides Educational
• Methodology of work.
• Groups of work
• Sources of information and communication: SUBJECT and other
• Knowledges and Computer Applications for the matter.
2.- Technical office. • Introduction
• Work.
• Organisation of the work
• Integration with the systems gives company
• Takes of decisions
• Communication.
3.- Industrial project • Project: Concept, classification, structure, cycle of life.
• Documents of the project: Index, memory, plans. Specifications, budget, studies with own entity.
• Normalisation. UNE 157002.
4.- Technical documents • Technical reports
• Certifications
• Homologation
• *Peritaciones
• Valuations
5.- Legislation • Legislative legislation
• Interpretation gives technical legislation
• technical Legislation *generica applied the speciality
6.- Budget and planning • Measurement
• economic assessment
• Theory of management and planning of projects.
• Agile methodologies,
• Gantt, CPM and PERT
7.- Studies with own entity • Relative studies to the fulfillment of the legislation of labour risks.
• Relative studies to the fulfillment of the legislation of management of waste.
• Other studies.
8.- Administrative management of works of engineering. • *Tramitación: Visa, notary, Public Organisms, etc.
• Management of licences, permissions and permissions in front of public and personal institutions.
• Bidding and contracting of projects.

9.- Professional activity • Professions regulated
• free Exercise of the profession
• Exercise of the profession by extraneous account.
• Exercise of the profession in the public administration
• Direction *facultativa
• civil and professional Responsibility
• Schools and professional associations.
10.- Patent rights. • Technological innovation and patent rights.
• Patents and models of utility.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000