Guia docente 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
  Technical Office
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Presentation Completion of an engineering project, working with an open team. Emphasis will be placed on the application of industrial engineering tools and knowledge to create engineering solutions for the real needs of an industry.

An evaluation rubric will be published on the TEMA platform of the subject.
5 D3
Supervised work Prepare a technical report on any matter related to Industrial Engineering, with the quality and rigor expected from an Industrial Engineer.

An evaluation rubric will be published on the TEMA platform of the subject.
10 B1
Problem based learning Performing an interdisciplinary group work, with students of other subjects and degrees.
This group, applying the methodology "design thinking" will make a work of implantation and / or improvement on a concrete activity.

An evaluation rubric will be published on the TEMA platform of the subject.
15 B1
Problem based learning Realisation of a project of *ingenieria, working with an open team. It will do upsetting in the application of tools and knowledges of industrial engineering to create solutions of engineering for the real needs of an industry.

It published a *rubrica of evaluation in the platform FEAR of the *asignatura.
40 B1
Scientific events Presentation of the ideas developed by the students in the collaborative groups. This activity will be published and disseminated in different media.

An evaluation rubric will be published on the TEMA platform of the subject.
10 D3
Objective questions exam Proofs for evaluation of the competitions purchased that include enclosed questions with different alternative of answer. The students select an answer between a number limited of possibilities. 10
Short answer tests Proofs for evaluation of the competitions purchased that include direct questions on a concrete appearance.
The students have to answer of direct and brief way in base to the knowledges that have on the matter.
Other comments on the Evaluation
<p>EVALUATION SYSTEM:</p><p>======================</p><p>The default evaluation system is the continuous evaluation system.</p><p>The
student who wishes to avail himself of a non-continuous evaluation
system must officially request it, within the period and manner
established for that, in the E.E.I. If the student does not request and obtain the favorable verdict of
the resignation to continuous evaluation, it is understood that it is in
the continuous assessment system.</p><p>The student who intends to request the resignation of continuous evaluation should notify the teacher as soon as possible. It is recommended to do it at the beginning of the course, or before beginning the teaching.</p><p>The evaluation will be made based on the rubrics that are published in the TEMA palaforma of the subject.</p><p>CRITERIA FOR OVERCOMING THE MATTER THROUGH CONTINUOUS EVALUATION:</p><p>===================================================</p><p>To overcome the subject by means of the continuous evaluation, two conditions must be simultaneously fulfilled:</p><p>A) obtain a minimum score of 4 out of 10 in each of the evaluable sections.</p><p>B) obtain an average grade, weighted according to the percentages indicated above, minimum of 5 out of 10.</p><p>If
a section is suspended, or the student wishes to improve the grade of a
section, he / she will have a maximum of * two (2) opportunities to do
so. In this case, a correction coefficient will be applied to the qualification of the section. The score will be multiplied by 0.85, the first time and by 0.75 the second time. The deadline for such corrections will be set by the teacher.</p><p>CRITERIA FOR OVERCOMING THE MATTER THROUGH EVALUATION NOT CONTINUOUS:</p><p>================================== ====================</p><p>Students who choose to officially resign to the continuous evaluation,
must carry out a work supervised by the teacher, consisting of an
industrial project or similar, and an evaluation test.</p><p>To obtain the grade, you will find the average proportional (60% theory and 40% practical). It is obligatory to obtain a minimum grade of 4 points out of 10 in each of the two parts.</p><p>To overcome the matter, the aforementioned average must be a minimum of 5 points out of 10 possible.</p><p>ETHICAL COMMITMENT:</p><p>==================</p><p>The student is expected to exhibit appropriate ethical behavior.</p><p>When attending the course, the student acquires a commitment of
teamwork, collaboration and respect to the classmates and teachers.</p><p>In
the case of detecting unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, use of
unauthorized electronic devices and others) it will be considered that
the student does not meet the necessary requirements to overcome the
subject. In this case the overall grade in this academic year will be suspended (0.0).</p><!--*p--><!--**p-->
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000