Guia docente 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
  Business: Introduction to business management
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practices In accordance with the planning docente of the academic course, the student will have to develop a number determined of practices that include diverse exercises of application of the knowledges purchased in the kinds of theory to concrete situations and allow to develop diverse basic skills (capacity for the resolution of problems, initiative, work in team, etc.). These practices do not take part in the calculation of the qualification of the subject, but exige to the student obtain an exert minimum in the same for the superación of the subject. 0 B9
Objective questions exam Will realize , and minimum, two test type test along the course, in which will evaluate the knowledges, the destrezas and the competitions purchased by the students so much in the classrooms of theory and of practices. 100 B9
Other comments on the Evaluation
1. Ethical commitment
expect that the present student an ethical behaviour felicitous. In the case to detect a no ethical behaviour (copy, plagio, utilization of electronic devices no authorized, for example) will consider that the student does not gather the necessary requirements to surpass the subject. In this case, the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspenso (0,0).

2. System of continuous evaluation
Following the proper guidelines of the titulación and the agreements of the academic commission will offer to the/the students/ace that cursen this subject a system of continuous evaluation.

The continuous evaluation will feature of two test type test that will realize along the course. Each one of them test type test versará on the contents seen until the moment of his realization, so much in kinds of theory and of practices. Therefore, the first proof will not free subject of face to the realization of the second proof. Because of this, each one of these proofs will have a distinct weight in the calculation of the qualification obtained in the asignatura. The first a 30% and the second a 70%.

These proofs are not recoverable, is to say, if a/to student/to can not realize them in the date stipulated, the/the professor/to does not have obligation to repeat them, except cause justified and properly accredited by the/the student/to.

The/the student/to has right to know the qualification obtained in each proof in a reasonable term after his realization and comment with the/the professor/to the result.

It will understand that the/the student/to has surpassed the continuous evaluation when they fulfil all the following requirements:

1. It have developed properly 75% of the practices of the asignatura.

2. It have obtained , at least, a qualification of 5 on 10 (Approved) in the last proof type test (that versará on all the contents seen in the asignatura).

3. The average ponderada of the qualifications obtained in them test type test was like minimum of 5 on 10 (Approved), being this the qualification obtained in the asignatura.

So that the/the student/to can present to the proofs of evaluation indicated in this point, will be precise that this/to fulfil the first requirement expressed in the previous paragraph.

It will understand that a student/to has opted by the continuous evaluation when, fulfilling with the necessary requirements regarding the realization of the practices, takes part in the second proof type test.

The qualification obtained in them test type test and in the practices only will be valid for the academic course in which realize .

3. Students/ace that do not opt by the continuous evaluation
To the students/ace that do not opt by the continuous evaluation will offer them a procedure of evaluation that allow them achieve the maximum qualification. This procedure will consist in a final examination (cuya date is fixed by the Direction of the Centre), in which will evaluate all the contents developed in the asignatura, so much in the kinds of theory and in the kinds of practices. This final examination will feature of two parts: a proof of theory in format type test, that will suppose 30% of the final note, and another of practice, that will suppose 70% restante, and that will consist in a series of exercises to develop. It is indispensable condition to surpass the asignatura obtain in it tests type test a minimum punctuation of 5 on 10 (Approved).

Only will have the consideration of “No presented” that/ace students/ace that do not realize none of the proofs of evaluation collected in this guide docente. In concrete, for that/ace students/ace that realize the first tests type test but afterwards do not realize the second proof type test and neither present to the final examination, his qualification in the asignatura will be the note obtained in the first tests type test evaluated on 3.

4. On the announcement of July
The announcement of recovery (July) will consist in a final examination that will suppose 100% of the final qualification and in which will evaluate all the contents developed in the asignatura, so much in the kinds of theory and in the kinds of practices. Said examination will feature of two parts: a proof of theory in format type test, that will suppose 30% of the final note, and another of practice, that will suppose 70% restante, and that will consist in a series of exercises to develop. It is indispensable condition to surpass the asignatura obtain in it tests type test a minimum punctuation of 5 on 10 (Approved).

5. Prohibition of use of electronic devices
will not allow the utilization of any electronic device during the proofs of evaluation, except autorización expresses. The fact to enter an electronic device no authorized in the classroom of examination, will be considered reason of no superación of the asignatura in the present academic course and the global qualification will be of suspenso (0,0).

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