Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Internships: Internships in companies
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
External practices The qualification will take into account the performance evaluation of the student made by the company tutor and the monitoring made by the academic tutor. 80
Report of external practices At the end of the internship period, the students will have to present to the academic tutor a final memory to be evaluated. 20
Other comments on the Evaluation

* This matter will be ruled by the established in the Normative of External Practices of the Degree in Chemistry.

* The academic tutors will make the global evaluation of the external practices considering:

(70%) The report made by the company tutor (D5 form of the University of Vigo) in which it will value elements related with the practices made by the student as punctuality, assistance, responsibility, capacity of work in groups and integration in the company, quality of the work made, etc.

(20%) The memory that students must elaborated at the conclusion of the internship period in which they will have to appear, among others, a concrete and detailed description of the tasks performed and the departments within the company to which the student was assigned, a relation of the problems proposed and the procedure followed for his resolution, the level of integration inside the company and the relations with the personnel and a critical reflection about the education received during the degree studies and its adequation for the realization of external practices (see section 3 of article 8 of the Normative of External Practices).

The memory will have a minimum extension of 10 and a maximum of 20 pages of A4 size, including cover, index and annexes. Mminimum margins of 2 cm, size of letter of 12 points, simple leading and paragraph justification are recommended. Tables and figures will appear numbered consecutively along the text and must include a brief heading to describe its content.

(10%) The assessment of the academic tutor of the aptitude and attitude showed by the student during the development of the activities made.

* The academic tutor will reflect the result of the global evaluation in the D7 form of the University of Vigo.

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