Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Environmental chemistry
Topic Sub-topic
1.- The matter and its cycles Generalities
2.- Chemical processes in the atmosphere Photochemical processes. Chemistry of
the layer of ozone. Greenhouse effect .
3.- Chemical processes in the hydrosphere Salinity and alkalinity. Transfer of
matter between environmental compartments. Interface Atmosphere-water. Exchange of gases. Interface Sediment-water
4.- Electrochemical processes in the environment Corrosion
5.- Environmental Pollutants Classification. Natural transformations
of the pollutants.
6.- Analysis of pollutants Analytical methodology: sampling and treatment of sample, techniques and methods in the determination of pollutants. Applications in atmosphere, waters, floors, sediments and biota
7.- Quality Control in the laboratories of environmental analysis Generalities
8.- Quality Assurance of the pollution Generalities
9.- Evaluation of the environmental impact Systems of environmental management
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