Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Química
Grao en Química
  Organic chemistry III
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Seminars In this activity, which is scheduled to take place twice a week, the most complex topics of the subject will be discussed, and the exercises and problems previously proposed by the teaching staff will be solved.
Laboratory practices Each student will plan and execute the corresponding lab experiments in sessions lasting 3.5 hours. The students will be provided with the explanation of the lab session by the teaching staff. All the observations, calculations and notes for every experiment will be collected in a lab notebook, which will also include the discussion of the questions posed in the experiment description as well as the spectroscopic characterization of the synthesized compounds.
Lecturing The teaching staff will explain the general contents of the course paying particular attention to those considered key topics and of the greater difficulty. In anticipation of each master session, all the handouts and presentations will be made available in the TEMA teaching platform for downloading by the students.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000