Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Materials chemistry
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Introduction Historical perspective of the development of the materials. Relation between structure and properties. Classification of the materials. Need of new materials.
Subject 2. Properties of the materials: mechanics, electrical, magnetic, optical and thermal. Mechanical properties. Electrical properties. Magnetic properties. Optical properties. Thermal properties.
Subject 3. Metallic materials and alloys. Diagrams of phase. Thermal treatment of the metallic alloys. ferric Alloys. Steels. No-Ferric Alloys. Alloys with memory of form.
Subject 4. Ceramic materials. Usual structures. Sillicates. Carbon. Imperfections. Glasses. Clays. Refractory.
Subject 5. Material polymers. Structures of the polymers. Mechanical and thermomechanical characteristics. Thermoplastic and thermostable polymers. Applications and forming of the polymers.
Subject 6. Compound materials.
General characteristics. Classification. Materials reinforced with: particles, fibres and structural compounds.
Subject 7. Degradation of materials.
Metallic oxidation and passivation. Methods of protection against the corrosion. Methods of self-reparation.
Subject 8. New materials and nanomaterials. Nanoscience and nanotechnology. Methods of preparation. Properties to nanoscale.
Subject 9. Characterisation of materials.
Electronic microscopy, fotoelectrónic spectroscopy.
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