Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Analytical chemistry 3
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Seminars In the classes of seminar will reinforce the learning of the *temario explained during the sessions *magistrales, carrying out the resolution of numerical problems and theoretical exercises-practical. The professor will propose, of regular form, different problems/exercises that will be resolved of individual form by the student and delivered for his evaluation.
Supervised work It will provide to the student a series of articles published in magazines of education in Chemistry and related with the contents of the matter. Once studied the article, the student will have to answer to a questionnaire of questions provided by the professor.
Lecturing The professor will develop the contents of the program from the proportionate material to the student through the platform FEAR. In the sessions *magistrales, the professor will present the fundamental appearances of the matter that will have to complement by means of the bibliography recommended.
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