Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Analytical chemistry 3
Topic Sub-topic
SUBJECT 1. Analysis of trace Concept and importance of the analysis of trace. Sources of pollution in the laboratory. Experimental methods in analysis of trace. Sampling. Methods of decomposition in analysis of trace inorganic. Methods of extraction in analysis of trace organic. Technicians selected of analysis of trace.
SUBJECT 2. Automation Automation in the laboratory of analysis: generalities. Automatic analysers. Discontinuous analysers, continuous and *robotizados. Analysers of injection in flow and flow *segmentado: characteristics. Phenomena of dispersion. Characteristics of the signal of injection in flow. Technicians of gradient. Analysers of sequential injection. Instrumentation and applications.
SUBJECT 3. Sensors and *biosensores chemical Concept of sensor. Components of a chemical sensor. Classification. Sensors and *biosensores. Elements of recognition. Types of *transductores. (*Bio)Electrochemical and optical sensors. Applications of interest. Miniaturisation of analytical systems.
SUBJECT 4. Introduction to the Chemometrics Definition and historical evolution of the Chemometrics. The chemometrics in the different stages of the analytical process. Basic statistical concepts. Parameters that estimate the central value and the dispersion: parametric and no parametric. Properties of the variance and the average. Expression of analytical results.
SUBJECT 5. Basic chemometrics: comparison of analytical results Test of significance. Proofs of hypothesis: structure of the proofs of hypothesis. Errors type I and II. Probability. Rejection of anomalous results. Parametric proofs of comparison of two variances. Parametric proofs of comparison of two averages. Comparison of several half *muestrales by means of *ANOVA of a road. Control of the accuracy and precision over time: charts of control. Proofs no parametric.
SUBJECT 6. The quality in the analytical laboratories: *cualimetría. Introduction to the *cualimetría: quality and chemometrics. Quality and analytical properties: validation of analytical methods. *Trazabilidad. Generic approximation to the quality. Systems of quality: Norms ISO. Accreditation and certification of the laboratories.
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