Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Chemical engineering
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Origin, concept and evolution of the Chemical Engineering. Discontinuous and continuous operation. Stationary and non stationary state. Cocurrent and countercurrent operations. Classification of the unit operations. Systems of units.
Subject 2. Mass and energy balances General equation of balance. Mass balances in systems without chemical reaction in stationary and non stationary state. Recycle, purge and bypass. Mass balances in systems with chemical reaction in stationary and non stationary state. Energy balances. Energy balances in systems with chemical reaction in stationary state.
Subject 3. Design of ideal reactors Speed of reaction. Ideal reactors: batch stirred tank reactor, continuos stirred tank reactor and plug flow reactor
Subject 4. Heat transfer Mechanisms of heat transfer. heat transfer through flat walls, cylindrical and spherical. Heat exchangers.
Subject 5. Distillation Vapour-liquid equilibria. Phase diagrams for binary mixes. Simple and flash distillation. Multistage distillation
Subject 6. Liquid-liquid extraction Liquid-liquid equilibrium for binary and ternary systems: binodal curve and distribution coefficients. Liquid-liquid extraction in cocurrent and countercurren contact.
Laboratory sessions Experimental determination of some properties of interest from the point of view of the design of basic operations: viscosity, coefficients of convection, density. Operation with chemical reactors at lab scale. Experimental determination of phase equilibrium curves. Analysis of the capacity of extraction of several solvents in a process of solid-liquid extraction.
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