Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical chemistry II
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to group symmetry theory in chemistry - Symmetry elements and operations.
- Symmetry point groups.
- Matrix representations.
- Irrdeducible Representations. Character tables.
- Chemical applications.
Qualitative spects of molecular electronic structure. - Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
- The H2+ molecule.
- The MO method for homonucler and heteronuclear diatomic molecules.
- The MO method in polyatomic molecules.
- The VB method.
Quantitative treatments for the study of the molecular electronic structure. - Hartree-Fock method.
- post-Hartree-Fock methods.
- Semiempirical methods.
- Calculation of molecular properties
Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy. - Radiation-matter interaction: General approach.
- Transition dipole moment integral. Selection rules.
- Intensity and position of the spectral transitions.
- Instrumentation.
Rotational spectroscopy. - Pure rotation spectra of diatomic molecules. Rigid and elastic rotor models.
- Pure rotation spectra of polyatomic molecules.
- Pure rotation Raman spectra.
- Instrumentation and applications.
Spectroscopy of Vibration-rotation. - Vibration-rotation spectra of diatomic molecules. Harmonic and anharmonic oscillator models with rotation depending on vibration.
- Vibration-rotation spectra of polyatomic molecules.
- Vibration-rotation Raman spectroscopy.
- Instrumentation and applications.
Electronic spectroscopy. - Molecular Electronic states.
- Vibration-rotation structure: Franck-Condon principle
- Chromophore and auxochrome Groups.
- Electronic deactivation Processes.
- Instrumentation and applications.
- Lasers.
- Photoelectron Spectroscopy and related techniques.
Spectroscopies of Resonance. - Introduction to the magnetic resonance.
- Chemical shift.
- Spin-spin interaction. Coupling Constant.
- Electronic spin resonance Spectroscopy.
Practices of Chemical Thermodynamics (six sessions) - Experimental determination of chemical equilibrium constants employing spectroscopic or potentiometric techniques.
- Experimental determination of combustion, dissolution, neutralisation, fusion or vaporisation enthalpies.
- Colligative Properties.
- Experimental determination of activity coefficients employing potentiometric techniques.
Practices of Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy (seven sessions). - Computational study of the electronic structure of different molecules
- Computational Study of conformational isomery.
- Computational study of simple chemical processes.
- Prediction, theoretical interpretation and resolution of the vibration-rotation spectrum of HCl in gas phase.
- Electronic spectroscopy: Spectrum of the I2 molecule in gas phase.
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