Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Numerical methods in chemistry
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Computer practices At the end of the sessions in the classrooms of computing, the student will resolve some exercises of the even type that the ones of the realised in the classroom. 25 C19
Objective questions exam During the course will realise **alomenos three partial proofs short type test and practical type that will explain a 25 by one hundred in the final qualification. Besides, in a final proof, will realise another tests type test of **tódala matter that *contabilizará another 10 by one hundred in the final qualification. 35 C19
Problem solving When finalising the course **realizaráse a practical proof resolving some practical exercises in the classroom of computing 30 C19
Essay **Participacion With *aprovechamiento in all the activities proposed by the *profesorado, are these to realise inside or out of the classroom. 10 C19
Other comments on the Evaluation
<*p>The students that do not surpass the *materiaen the common announcement and pretend to do it in the *convocatoriaextraordinaria, will keep the qualifications obtained during the course in each *unode the previous sections, except the qualifications of the practical proofs of computing, that will be able to be recovered, and *lasdos proofs realised at the end of course that will be evaluated in the *examencorrespondiente. In this case, the student has to put in contact with the professor with sufficient *antelación to agree the work to realise before the final proofs.<*p>The participation of the student in any of the acts of evaluation of the matter will involve the condition of &*quot;presented&*quot; and, therefore, the allocation of a qualification. They consider acts of evaluation the assistance to the practices of computing (four or more), the realisation of some proof or the delivery of a minimum of 25% of the problems or exercises commissioned by the professor.
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