Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical chemistry I
Subject Guide
Subject Physical chemistry I Code V11G200V01303
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Mandatory 2nd 1st
Teaching language
Department Physical Chemistry
Hervés Beloso, Juan Pablo
Hervés Beloso, Juan Pablo
Mandado Alonso, Marcos
General description Physical Chemical I is one of the first contacts of a student of Chemistry with the Physical Chemistry. This discipline studies the properties and the behaviour of the chemical systems employing the methods of the Physics. This matter presents the rigorous macroscopic treatment of chemical systems in equilibrium, systems already entered in Chemistry I. Taking advantage of the basic knowledge of the principles of the Thermodynamics, they will be applied to systems of chemical interest to obtain a quantitative description of them. For this purpose, it is fundamental to be familiarised with differential calculus in more than a variable and integral calculus in one variable, skill already seen in Mathematics II.
The knowledge on the macroscopic description of the chemical systems that will be reached in this subject are complementary with the contents of the subject Physical Chemistry III the following year. The experimental applications of these knowledges will be studied in the subject of the second tern Physical Chemistry II.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000