Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical chemistry I
Topic Sub-topic
The laws of the thermodynamic in Chemistry. First Law of thermodynamics. Internal energy. ** Enthalpy. Heat capacities . Thermochemistry.
Second law of thermodynamics. ** Entropy. Molecular interpretation of the ** entropy.
Third law of thermodynamics. Calculation of the variations of ** entropy.
Thermodynamic functions Gibbs Equations. Maxwell relationships. Calculation of variations of the state functions .
Open systems. Partial Molar quantities. Chemical potential. Chemical potential of an ideal gas. Chemical potential of the real gases.
Phase equilibrrium in systems of one component.
Concepts of component, phase and degree of *freedom. Equilibrium conditions between phases. Phses Rule. First order changes phases. Clapeyron and Clausius Equations.
Ideal Solutions.

Molar partial Volume. Gibbs-Duhem Equation. Ideal solutions: Raoult law. Vapour pressure diagrams. Ideal diluted solutions: Henry Law. Colligative Properties
Non-ideal Solutions.

Deviations of the Raoult law. Activity and activity coefficient . Electrolitic solutions. Debye-Hückel theory.
Chemical equilibrium

Equilibrium Conditions . Extent of reaction. perfect gas equilibria. Equilibrium is solution reactions. Response of equilibria to temperature. Le Chatelier´s principle. Acid-base equilibria. Solubility Product. salt effects.
Electrochemical Cells. Nerst Equation.
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