Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Chemistry: Chemistry 2
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1: Structure of matter Structure of the hydrogenic atoms. Polyelectronic atoms. Atomic parameters. Lanthanide contraction. Electronegativity. Polarizability.
Subject 2: Chemical bonding Theory of OM. Types of orbital: sigma, pi, delta. Diagram of energies for diatomic homo- and heteronuclear molecules.
Subject 3: Organic Compounds and functional groups Structure and geometry. Approach and nomenclature of organic compounds. Physical properties.
Subject 4: Isomery Geometrical isomery. Conformational stereoisomery. Configurational stereoisomery.
Subject 5: Solids Structure of the simple solids. Structure of the metals. Alloys. Metallic bonding. Semicondutors. Ionic solids. Energetic aspects.
Subject 6: Acid-Base properties of the main group elements and their compounds Brönsted acids and bases. Lewis acids and bases.
Subject 7: Redox properties of the main group elements and their compounds Oxidants and reductants. Nerst Equation.
Subject 8: Electrochemisty Concentration cells. Batteries. Fuell cells. Electrolysis. Commercial electrolytic processes. Corrosion.
Subject 9: Nuclear chemistry Nuclear reactions. Radioactive disintegration. Artificial transmutations. Nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion. Nuclear radiation. Applications of the radioactivity.
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