Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Química
Grao en Química
  Physics: Physics 2
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. ELECTROSTATIC FIELD Introduction. Electrical load. Law of Coulomb. Electrical field. Continuous distribution of Load. Lines of Electrical Field. Scalar sources of Electrical Field. Law of Gauss. Electrical Potential energy. Electrical potential. Equipotential Surfaces. Electrical dipole. Capacity and Combination of Condensers.

Subject 2. CONTINUOUS CURRENT Introduction. Electrical current and density of current. Law of Ohm. Resistance. Electromotive Strength. Law of Joule. Calorific Power loss. Circuits of continuous current:-Association of resistances, -Rules of Kirchhoff.
Subject 3. MAGNETIC FIELD Introduction. Magnetic strength. Strength of Lorentz. Magnetic strength on a driver by which circulates current. Magnetic field of a load in movement. Magnetic field of an element of current. Law of *Biot-*Savart. Magnetic strength between two parallel drivers. Lines of magnetic field and magnetic flow. Law of Gauss. Law of *Ampère. Magnetic materials.
Subject 4. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION Phenomena of electromagnetic induction: experiences of Faraday, magnetic flow, laws of Faraday and of *Lenz, experience of Henry. Applications: generators and electrical receptors, mutual induction and slef-induction. Magnetic energy.
Subject 5. WAVES Introduction. Simple Harmonic movement. Superposition Of BUT. Swings cushioned. Swings forced. Resonance. Waves in material means. Equation of wave. Harmonic waves. Interference of waves. Superposition.
Subject 6. COMMON PROPERTIES To THE DIFFERENT WAVES. Reflection and refraction. Superposition: Interference, pulses, stationary waves. Diffraction. Doppler Effect.
Subject 7. PHYSICAL OPTICS Nature of the light: electromagnetic waves, luminous ray, speed of propagation. Wave phenomena: dispersion, interference, diffraction of *Fraunhofer: by a slit, by a pair of equal parallel slits, networks of diffraction. Polarisation. Optical activity.
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