Educational guide 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridade
  Security in Mobile Devices
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Short-questions exam on the theoretical and practical contents reviewed throughout the course, both in the lectures and in the laboratory practices. This exam will be done at the end of the bimester. 60 A3
Problem solving Problem-solving tests where students make use of the acquired knowledge, in both theoretical and practical sessions. This test will be carried out throughout the bimester, with partial deliveries on the dates indicated by teachers. 20 A2
Practices report Students will individually fill questionnaires and/or write practice reports, where the right development and understanding of the practice get probed. 20 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation


Following the guidelines of the degree, two evaluation systems will be offered to students attending this course: continuous assessment and eventual assessment. 

Before the end of the second week of the course, students must declare if they opt for the continuous assessment or the eventual assessment. Those who opt for the continuous assessment system may not be listed as "not presented" if they make a delivery or an assessment test after the communication of their decision. 

Continuous assessment system 

The final grade of the course will be equal to the weighted arithmetic average of the tests previously indicated. To pass the course the final grade must be greater or equal to five. 

Eventual assessment system 

The final grade of the course will be equal to the weighted arithmetic average of the tests previously indicated. In this case, the problem-solving test (troubleshooting) will be done in a single test at the end of the bimester. To pass the course the final grade must be greater or equal to five. 


The assessment will consist in an objective questions exam, a problem-solving exam and delivering the practice reports of all the practices carried out throughout the course.


The obtained grades are only valid for the current academic year. 

The use of any material during the tests will have to be explicitly authorized.

In case of detection of plagiarism in any of the tasks/tests done, the final grade will be "failed (0)" and the professors will communicate the incident to the head of the school to take the measures that they consider appropriate. 

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000