Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Matemática Industrial
  Fluid Mechanics
Topic Sub-topic
Main models of the dynamics of fluids Systems of laws of conservation for Newtonian fluids.

*Adimensionamiento Of the equations and physical meaning of the main adimensional numbers in the dynamics of fluids: *Mach, *Reynolds, *Froude, *Prandtl, *Peclet, *Grashof and *Nusselt

Deduction of the main models of the dynamics of fluids like models limit in the adimensional numbers
Perfect flows *incompresibles Equations of evolution of the *vorticidad in a perfect flow.

Study of flows *irrotaciones and potential flows. Limitations of the potential model.

Examples of potential flows and applications. Some ideas of theory of *sustentación.
Viscous flows *incompresibles Some particular solutions of the equations of *Navier-*Stokes *incompresibles in diet *estacionario.

Elementary analysis of the layers limit: basic ideas of the technicians of analysis and study of the problem of *Blasius.

Observations on the stability of viscous solutions *laminares *estacionarias.

Some examples of hydrodynamic unsteadinesses.
Turbulent flows
*Inviabilidad of the direct numerical simulation (*DNS)

Problem of the closing of equations in turbulence

Models of turbulence
Flows with transfer of heat Equations of flows no reagents to low numbers of *Mach

Convection forced.

Natural convection.

Exchangers of heat
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