Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Audiovisual production
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practice Insertion of elements in graphic engine. (Individual) 20%
Recording a scene. (Group)15%
Editing a scene. (Individual) 20%
Solution to visual effects. (Individual) 10%
65 B4
Objective questions exam Test, theoretical contents and practical concepts of the subject. 20 B8
Practices report Report on the assessment of the production process in the different cases and conclusions of the practices. 15 B8
Other comments on the Evaluation

Breakdown of Practices:

Insertion of elements in graphic engine. (Individual) 20% (~ 4 week)
Recording a scene. (Group) 15% (~ 18 week)
Editing a scene. (Individual) 20% (~ 13 week)
Solution for visual effects. (Individual) 10% (~ 13 week)

must determine in the first delivery of material if they choose continuous assessment, in this case the final grade couldn't be "not

The practices are recoverable until the time of qualification.

In group practices, the work of each member will be supervised by the lecturer.

The eventual assessment requires the delivery of the practices, being the
group as individual (the student will need to set up a human team to do this).

the second call and extraordinary call it will be
necessary to pass a test (30% -theoretical contents and
practical concepts of the subject) and questions (30%
-knowledge of the production process and formats) and A practical
exercise of solvency working with autonomous camera and edition NLE O  (xor)
insertion of elements in graphic engine O (Xor) development of
production flow from a technical script. (40%) It is not necessary to exceed a minimum threshold in each grade to pass the course. The note will be the sum of the percentages.

The grade of the test from the first opportunity could be saved for the second, in the same course, if the student wishes so.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000