Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Advanced acoustics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Supervised work Tutored practical project, with the delivery of a final report. The learning aims related to the ability to elaborate projects and application of calculation methods (numerical methods) are assesed. Learning aims related to the identification of problems are also assessed (through the application of numerical calculations). 50 B2
Short answer tests Written test, with short questions on the theory of the subject. Evaluation of learning aims involving knowledge of legislation and how to perform measurements.
25 B2
Essay Questions and report of the practical tasks. Evaluation of those learning aims related to noise measurement and analysis of acoustic problems using numerical calculations. 25 B5
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the guidelines of the degree, two systems of
evaluation are offered: continuous assessment (recommended) and a final
examination.  Evaluation with only a final examination will be only
allowed in situations in which it is imposible to follow the system

LANGUAGE: Any student can choose which language will use during the assessment process (English, Spanish).


In order to be qualiffied following the continuous assessment proccess, the student will have to assist at least to the 80% of the programmed activities. The
continuous  assessment will be developed using the methodologies/tests previously described. Once a student has signed a document of
agreement with the process of continuous assessment, he/she will enroled in the continuous assesment process and in no case he/she will be assesed as "not shown".

  • The short answer test will be done in some of the last weeks of the semester, in the dates aproved and published by the academic committee of the degree (CAG). 
  • Tutored works with be developed in small groups. The final grade will be weighted taking into account the results of a
    cross assesment survey. To consider as "satisfactory" the contribution
    of each student to the group a minimum grade of 2 over 5 points is
  • The students have to shown good skills in all the assesed learning
    aims (at least 4 over 10 points in each learning aim assesed).
The final grade will be obtaining through the addition of the grades obtained during the process with the weights given before. At least five over ten points should be obtained to pass the subject. If it happens that the minimum requirement (4 over 10 points in all the learming outcomes) is not fullfilled and the weighted average is greater than 5 points, the final grade will be  4 over 10 points.

The final examination for those students following the countinuous assesment process will be similar to the short answer thest and will take place in the official dates published. This final examination will be compulsory for students who have not reached the minumun grade required and optional for students willing to get a higher grade. Those students having less than four points in some of the practical tasks  should deliver those aditional jobs required by the teachers of the subjetc prior the date of the final examination.

Second chance: 
  • A student following the continuous evaluation process could choose between:
  1. A short answer test examination, similar to the written test of the coutinuous assessment process, to be done in the official date published. The grades obtained in the practical tasks and tutored works during the continous assessment process are preserved and the final grade will be obtained following the same methodology than the described previously.  Those students having less than four points in some of the practical
    tasks  should deliver those aditional jobs required by the teachers of
    the subjetc prior the date of the final examination.

final examination is  available  for those students that for some
reason could not follow the continuous evaluation assessment process. In
this case there is date scheduled and officially published for final
examination.  The final examination will be designed to guarantee that the student show that he has got all the learing aims and has the same skills that the students who have followed the continous assessment process. The student should get 5 over 10 points to pass the subject.

The subject is assessed in a 0 to 10 points scale
and it is considered "passed" if the final  grade obtained if equal or
greater than 5.


The same criteria as the established in case of non continuous assessment will be followed for the extraordinary call.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000