Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Audiovisual Technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning Assessment of a project, developed through the four-month period, including the preparation and public presentation of a report.
The corresponding individual mark to the works done in group is obtained as a ponderated sum of: 1) the common mark of the group (60%); 2) the individual mark (40%), obtained from one or various of the following methods of evaluation: cross-evaluation by the other members of the group, oral questions during the presentations of the works, written questions about the content of the work.
40 B1
Short answer tests Assessment of a written exam, with brief questions and problems.
50 B1
Practices report Assessment of a written inform that describes the work of several weeks in the computer classroom. 10 C36
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the study programme guidelines, the student can choose between two assessment methods: CONTINUOUS ASSESMENT, that is the recommended method linked to the educational activities and SOLE ASSESSMENT, only recommended for those students which can not follow the first method.

In case of detection of plagiarism in any of the tests (short tests reports of the laboratory practices, reports of the directed works, or final exam), the final grade will be FAIL (0) and the fact will be communicated to the Centre Management for the opportune effects.



The continuous assessment consists of the tests detailed in the following. The student opts by the continuous assessment method once she/he signs the document of commitment that will be available at the begining of the term, so that she/he can begin the work in the corresponding group. Once signed, it is assumed that the student has taken the examination session and will be given the mark resulting of the application of the criterion detailed in the following, regardless of wheter she/he takes the final exam or not.

Types and assessment of activities:

1. Reports of the practical sessions (Weight: 10%)

2. Projects (Weight 40%): will be assessed in the middle and at the end of the term. The
individualized part of the assessment will be done through cross-evaluation,
oral questions during presentations, and/or written exam questions.

3. Proof of short answer (Weight: 50%): it coincides with the final exam date. It includes all the contents of the subject.

The final grade corresponds to the sum of the marks obtained in all the activities weighted by the corresponding percentages. The student should obtain, at least, a grade of 4 points over ten in each type activity, and a final grade of 5 points to pass the subject. If
in any of the activities the grade does not reach 4 but the average exceeds 5,
the final grade will be 4.


If the student does not sign the document of commitment, she/he will be evaluated through a final examination in the official date assigned by the Centre. This exam will consist of two parts, of equal weight in the final mark: a written part that may include all the topics of the subject, and an oral part relative to additional work. This additional work should be presented previously to the teacher. The student may take part in the continuous assessment activities of the practical sessions, but they will not be assessed in her/his case. The additional work to deliver will have to be delivered to the teacher a week before the final exam. The student should obtain, at least, a grade of 4 points over ten in each type activity, and a final grade of 5 points to pass the subject.


Whoever has been evaluated by Continuous Assessment at the first opportunity may opt for:

1. Perform the written test again, keeping the grades obtained in the activities carried out continuous assessment, with the weights discussed above.

2. Be evaluated with a single final exam. This final exam is described in the following.

Anyone who has been evaluated by the Sole Assessment at the first take will be evaluated through a final exam on the official date assigned by the Center. This exam will consist of two parts, of equal weight in the final grade: a written part that will include as possible contents the whole subject, and an oral part related to the additional work that previously have had to present. The additional work must be delivered one week before the final exam. To pass, 4 points in each activity of each type and 5 points in the final grade are needed at least.


The exam will consist of a short answer test. This final exam will be rated between 0 and 10 points. It includes all the topics of the course. To pass, at least five points are needed. No other activity is valued.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000