Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Radio Spectrum Management
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practices Measurement of signals on panel for distribution of TV signal. This practice is made in groups and the qualification of each student will be the one of the group.
2.5 C21
Supervised work Monographss on subjects related to spectrum management that will be presented in class. They will be evaluated in an individual way in function of the exhibition realised by each student. 15 B9
Computer practices Calculation of the coverage area of an AM radio station. This practice is made in groups but will be evaluated individually by means of the assistance, the performance during the realisation and by means of the memory of the practice delivered by the group. 5 B6
Studies excursion Basic use of a spectrum analyzer. Measurement of the bandwidth of a FM signal. Measurement of TDT signals. They will be evaluated by means of a written exam at the end of the practice.

Installation of a parabolic antenna. Phase 1 and phase 2 radio station measurements. These practices will be made in groups and the qualification of each student will be the one of the group.
27.5 B5
Others Written exams of the contents of the matter. Individual evaluation.
50 B6
Other comments on the Evaluation

1)Announcement of "first opportunity". Following the proper guidelines of the titulación will offer to the alumnado that curse this subject two systems of evaluation in the announcement of "first opportunity": continuous evaluation and final evaluation. The alumnado will have to opt by an of the two options of evaluation. The delivery or participation in anyone of the proofs of continuous
evaluation means that you opt by this type of evaluation and his qualification will not be able to be "no presented". The assistance to the practices is compulsory if you opt by continuous evaluation.

To) continuous Evaluation. The continuous evaluation will realize in base to the exert during the realization of the practices, to
the memory of the practice of computer and to the proofs realized in the others seven practices. Also will evaluate
the work tutelado by means of the presentation of the same in kind. There will be two examenes partial writings of the part of theory, one around the middle of the cuatrimestre and another once finalizadas the kinds of theory. These tasks are not recoverable and only are valid for the current

b) Final evaluation. The alumnado that do not opt by continuous evaluation will realize an examination of the theoretical part (50%) and another of the practical part (50%) in the official date of examination agreed by the School.

2) Announcement of "second opportunity". The alumnado that opted previously by continuous evaluation
will be able to opt between repeating the examination of the theoretical part (50% of the note) or examine again of all the subject (100% of the note) by means of two
examinations that will range so much the theoretical part (50%) and the practical part (50%). They will have to communicate to the coordinator  the option that choose before the
official date of the examination. The rest of the alumnado will examine of all the subject by means of two examinations that will range the theoretical part (50%) and the practical part (50%).

3) Announcement extaordinaria. They will examine of all the subject by means of two
examinations that will range so much the theoretical part (50%) and the practical part (50%).

In case
 of detection of plagio
in anyone of the proofs
(short proofs, partial examinations or final examination), the final qualification will be of SUSPENSO (0) and the fact will be communicated to
the direction
of the Centre for
the timely effects.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000