Guia docente 2018_19
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Wireless Systems and Networks
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Short answer tests Adequate kowledge of the theoretical materials of the lecture will be assessed by means of short response questions during the final exam. A minimum mark of 3 over 10 points is set for this part. Continued class attendance will be evaluated.
25 C21
Practices report For each lab assignment, the students in pairs, will present an individual written report. The evaluation will be carried out by means of (1) group reports and (2) an specific part in the final exam to be taken individually. The weights of parts one and two will be 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. A minimum mark of 3 over 10 points is set for this part. Continued class attendance will be evaluated.
25 C21
Problem solving In the final exam, there will be a part containing various short numerical problems. A minimum mark of 3 over 10 points is set for this part.Continued class attendance will be evaluated. 25 B2
Essay The evaluation of supervised group work (C classes) will be carried out through (1) a group report and (2) a specific test to be taken individually. The weights of parts one and two will be 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. A minimum mark of 3 over 10 points is set for this part.Continued class attendance will be evaluated. 25 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

If possible all skills pertaining to this subject will be evaluated in all the various tests and exercises proposed: short answer tests, lab reports, problem solving and projects

For those who choose to take the final exam (alternatively to continuous assessment), this will have a weight of 100% of the final grades and will cover all issues dealt with in the theoretical lectures, the problem solving lectures, tutored group work and laboratory.

As a minimum grade is set for each parts making up the final evaluation, if this threshold is not exceed in any of the four parts, the final mark will be limited as a maximum to this threshold.

The schedule for the various intermediate tests will be decided at a (Academic Commission) CAG meeting and published at the beginning of the semester

The grades for the lab. work and group work will only be valid during the current school year.

Those students who choose the continuous assessment option shall inform the professor of this during the first few weeks of the school term. The continuous assessment option entails the completion of all activities proposed: lab works and group work, and taking all tests comprising the continuous assessment route. Those students not fulfilling the above will be assessed with the final exam only.

A student will be atributed the "no presentado" grade if he or she has not followed the full continuous assessment route and has not taken the final exam.

For the retake call (July), the grades obtained in the lab work and group work parts will be kept for those students following the continous assessment route and will only be required to take the theory, problems and lab parts of the new final exam.

Should a case of plagiarism be detected in any of the various activities and tests , the final mark will be FAILED (0) and the school direction team will be advised on the fact.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000